Author Archives: Sourcerer

CAcert Brunch Berlin 2006-08-13

On Sunday August 13th there will be a CAcert certification event
in Berlin, Germany.  It will take place at the cafe/restaurant
“Yildiz” next to the subway station “Hallesches Tor”
from 11am to (at least) 2pm.  Certifications are free of cost
(as usual :-), and the brunch costs 6euros – flat rate.

Please do not forget to bring two items of identification
(eg an id-card, a driver’s license, or a passport).
if you intend to come then please “register” yourself on
the wiki page
or simply send a mail to – thanks!

Assurers in Coventry(UK) needed

The Coventry Linux User Group is searching for Assurers to help them grow CAcert in the UK. If you ever wanted to visit Coventry, or try to spread CAcert in a new area, here is your chance to do both at once! If you are interested, please contact support at CAcert dot org, we will get you in touch

The 13th Assurer

Or why we start demanding the 26 eyes principle …

The assumed quality of human manual identity verification is 99%, giving an error rate of 1%. That was the main reason behind the 4 eyes principle rule at CAcert, trying to have at least 2 assurers verify the identity of a person. Statistically, this should reduce the error rate to 1:10,000 . In practice, we had a lot of cases already, where the second assurer noticed small problems, that the first assurer oversaw, which resulted in correcting the error. (Most errors are numerical errors with the birthday, or smaller mistakes in the name). So the system seemed to work fine that way. Until an assurer noticed a couple of days ago, that there are 2 small errors in the name in an account, and that there were already 12 other assurers that assured the person, without noticing it.
Statistically, the possibility for 12 assurers not noticing it should be 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (according to the statistical model) 😉
Thanks to the 13th Assurer for noticing it!
Your CAcert Quality Assurance Department

CAcert at the CeBIT 2006

English version below.

Nach dem großen Erfolg vergangenes Jahr auf der CeBIT, wird CAcert auch dieses Jahr wieder auf der CeBIT 2006 mit einem Messestand vertreten sein:

CeBIT Halle 5, Stand E 64/7

Wir brauchen noch:
– Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten (in und um Hannover)
– Helfer (auch nur an einzelnen Tagen)

Wer mithelfen kann, bekommt nähere Informationen unter

After the huge success at the CeBIT 2005, CAcert will be again
this year on the CeBIT 2006:

CeBIT Hall 5, Booth E 64/7

We still need:
– places to sleep (in and around Hannover)
– people to help at the booth

If you can help, please read further details on

CAcert assurers at Torino Olympic Winter Games

During Olympic games, February 10th-26th, 2006, at least three CAcert assurers (with 150 points) will be present in Torino and will be available for verification process.

Contact at:

Hamburg, 2. Februar 2006

Am 2. Februar 2006, um 19:30, treffen wir uns in den Räumen des CCC Hamburg und authentifizieren Interessierte. Für alle Beteiligten ein absolutes Muß: Ihr müßt zwei gültige, offizielle, auf euch ausgestellte Dokumente mit Lichtbild (Führerschein, Personalausweis oder Reisepaß) vorlegen.