Category Archives: Events

Upcoming Events

Madrid: Evento de certificacion 18/02/06

Hoy (sabado, 18 de febrero) a las 17:00 tendra lugar un evento de certificacion en la estacion de Madrid-Atocha, en el jardín botanico.

Hoy puedes tener tus 100 puntos (¡y mas!) con una unica cita.

Los interesados deben crearse un usuario en la web de CACert, leer el documento que lo explica todo ( y llevar el DNI y a ser posible pasaporte junto con un par de documentos WoT.

Nos vemos en Atocha.

Si no nos encuentras o si no puedes llegar hasta las 17:00, encuentras aqui un numero de telefono: .

Hamburg, 2. Februar 2006

Am 2. Februar 2006, um 19:30, treffen wir uns in den Räumen des CCC Hamburg und authentifizieren Interessierte. Für alle Beteiligten ein absolutes Muß: Ihr müßt zwei gültige, offizielle, auf euch ausgestellte Dokumente mit Lichtbild (Führerschein, Personalausweis oder Reisepaß) vorlegen.

CAcert WoT & GnuPG signing party Zurich

CAcert Web of Trust signing Party at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Zürich (HGKZ) next Thursday, 9th of February 2006 12:30 – 13:30h in the main building, room Nr. 504 (5th floor) at Ausstellungsstrasse 60, 8031 Zurich, Switzerland. Here is the map

At least 3 Assurers will assure up to 35 points each.

Contact Alex Antener +41 43 446 2138 for further information.

FOSDEM event Febr 2006

At the FOSDEM conference taking place 25th and 26th of February 2006 in Brussels, Belg ium(see: fosdem ) you will be able to get your CAcert Assurance done as well to get your GNUPG public key signed. There is a signing party scheduled in the late afternoon at Saturday 25th. For more details see: key signing .

Apachecon US 2005

I will be manning the booth for CAcert at the ApacheCon 2005 US meeting in San Diego. I plan to be at the booth from at least 09:00 in the morning through 16:00 in the afternoon. I will stay later if there are still people coming by. Please bring as many people as you can to have assurance added to their accounts. It will help to have CAP forms pre-printed with the applicant’s information, but I will have blanks with me as well. Remember, 2 forms of official ID will be needed, at least one being photo.

I will most likely not have a computer available for people to sign up on the spot, but I can always check ID and complete paperwork, then enter in assurance points after they sign up later.

I will be happy to cross-sign GPG/PGP keys as well, so be sure to bring key fingerprints along if you want to add to your keyring signatures. On the same note, please let me know if a key signing party is being planned.

If there is anybody that can not attend the conference itself, but would like to be assured, please let me know and we can meet in the hotel lobby outside of the regular conference hours.

Feel free to contact me CAcert at mail4geeks dot com if you have any questions or would like to arrange a meet up while I am in town.

Lisa 2005

At the LISA’05 Usenix/SAGE conference, running from the 4th of December up to the 9th of December 2005 in San Diego USA, you will find PGP signing and CAcert Assurance opportunities at the PGP and CAcert meeting point in the conference hall.

HCC dagen UNIX-gg

At the HCC dagen (three days show for computer and software hobbyists), running from 25-27th of November 2005 in Utrecht, Holland you will be able to obtain PGP signatures and CAcert certificate Assurances at the UNIX-gg stand at the show.