At the dutch NLUUG conference, Thursday 10th of May 2007 (conf. theme is Virtualisation), location Reehorst, Ede, Holland there will be CAcert Assurances, CAcert info (and news!), and OpenPGP signing. The conference is from 9am-5 pm. For CAcert and PGP there is a free admittance.
Category Archives: Information
Keysigningparty in Kiel
Um das Web-of-Trust in und um Kiel zu stärken und Menschen mit Interesse an Kryptographie, PGP und zusammenzubringen, findet am 20. April ab 12:30 Uhr eine PGP-Keysigning-Party in Verbindung mit einer statt.
Adresse: Übungsraum 1 in der Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 2 (Mathematisches Semniar der Universität Kiel),10.1216&t=h
Weitere Informationen sowie eine kurze Online-Anmeldung sind zu finden
Alternate IRC channel launched
For convenience, a second official CAcert community channel was created on freenode. If you are a freenode regular user, come by #CAcert .
We are also distributing CAcert/Assurer/nickname and CAcert/User/nickname cloaks for people with properly registered nicks on freenode. Ask Evaldo Gardenali (UdontKnow) there for more information. #CAcert – irc://
CeBIT 2007
CAcert will be at the CeBIT 2007 (Hannover, Germany) in hall5 on booth F58/2. Please see for more information, some accomodation is still needed.
DNS outage
Update: We apologize, but there are still problems with our DNS. We still are working on the problem.
Unfortunatley our main DNS provider had an outage today, which caused the website to be unreachable. We are still working on it, but most systems should be working again already. We are sorry for the disruption.
Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2007
Wie auch im letzten Jahr ist CAcert mit einem Stand auf den Chemnitzer Linuxtagen 2007 vom 03.-04.März 2007 vertreten. Interressierte Assurer (und natürlich auch die, die noch einer werden wollen) können sich unter eintragen.
Interessenten und Besucher können sich einen Account bei anlegen;
notwendig sind Name, Passwort und eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse. Auf der
CeBit kann nun die Person verifiziert (assured) werden. Bei der “Assurance” ist
die Vorlage mindestens eines gültigen Lichtbildausweises (z.B. Führerschein,
Personalausweis oder Reisepass) notwendig, die dann am Stand von den
“Assurern” überprüft und verifiziert werden. Bei erfolgter Überprüfung erhält
der Benutzer Punkte, die seine Vertrauenswürdigkeit widerspiegeln. Ein
vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer kann auf der CAcert-Website selbst Zertifikate
ausstellen, und zusätzlich über ein “Web of Trust” Punkte an andere Benutzer
Crete, Greece in need of Assurers this summer
This year, the Hellenic Linux Users Group, is organizing the Linux
Beer Wanderung (Linux Beer Hike), “a week-long event which takes place
in a different European country each summer, drawing together Open
Source software enthusiasts from more than a dozen different countries,
for a combination of talks, presentations, hands-on mini-projects,
outdoor exercise, and good food and drink”. The event is self-funded and
you can find more at
Since Greece is very low on the CAcert horizon, we would really like to
start having things rolling at the LBW. A short survey I made suggests
that there is only one person on the LBW mailing list (from London) that
can give only 35 points but unfortunately will not be joining the event
in Crete this year. Even if 3-4 people that will be coming to the event
get assured by him or someone else, I doubt that we can achieve the
critical mass to get things rolling on their own in Greece.
Anyone interested to help, please contact CAcert.
CAcert at Fosdem 2007
If you live near Belgium, and want to get CAcert assured, please come to Fosdem next weekend.
Both events are free.
See for the lecture schedule and for more information about the CAcert event.
CAcert at the LUG Backnang
The Linux User Group Backnang is organizing a meeting with the subject on free security infrastructure, especially GnuPG and CAcert.
Everyone in the area is invited to come and get some cacert-points.
Migration finished
We have good news: The migration has finished successfully.
The bad news is that we had a network outage today due to several broken (and wrongly configured) routers of the telecom, which took us 12 hours in total to fix all of them again.
To improve reliability and availability we are currently planning to add more datacenters for non-core but critical services around the planet. If you are interested to sponsor hosting capacities, please contact us.