Monthly Archives: September 2006

Cacert Signing Party in Lörrach (.de)

Die Linux User Group Lörrach e.V. veranstaltet eine CACert-Party im Innocell.

am 16. September 2006, von 14:00 Uhr bis ca. 20:00 Uhr,
im innocel Innovations Center Lörrach GmbH, Marie-Curie-Strasse 8, 79539 Lörrach (Deutschland)

An dem geplanten Event werden viele Assuerer anwesend sein. Somit wird es auch für Leute, die sich zum ersten mal mit der Thematik beschäftigen möglich, genügend Punkte an einem Abend zu bekommen, so man selbst zum Assuerer werden kann. Damit entfällt die Suche nach geeigneten Assurern. Zudem werden wir alle Gäste mit Informationen rund um das Thema informieren. Selbstverständlich besteht die Möglichkeit, interessante Gespräche mit unseren Mitgliedern über Cryptografie, Linux, Verschlüsselungsprogramme und vieles Mehr zu führen.

Diese Email hat mir Gerold Kassube Vorstandsvorsitzender der LUG Lörrach geschickt, wo von ich hier nur einen Teil poste. Ich hoffe das viele kommen werden.
Grüsse nobody_su

CAcert and RegisteredCommons at the Wizards of OS 4 in Berlin

RegisteredCommons is a new web-service aimed to provide a secure and trusted registry of audio, video, picture and text works. It will be launched at the 4th Wizards of OS Conference in Berlin together with Lawrence Lessig, co-founder of Creative Commons. RegisteredCommons will be using CAcert certificates for authenticating authors.
CAcert Assurance will be offered at the Wizards of OS conference in Berlin.

CAcert Assurer-fest in Fort Collins, CO, USA.

Next Tuesday, September 12, 2006, the Northern Colorado Linux Users Group ( meeting will be spreading the CAcert word.  We have a Super Assurer as well as another regular assurer and will be able to get people up to 150 points during that meeting.  We will start slightly before at 6pm meeting, at 5:30, and will assure people up to 120 points, and then we will help you cross-assure a few other people to get up to the full 150 points.  For more information, contact

Looking for an event co-ordinator

We are currently looking for someone to volunteer as an events co-ordinator. This role will entail at least the following responsibilities:

  • Take upcoming event noticies and publish to this blog
  • Co-ordinate with high visibility events to get table space + volunteers to attend
  • If funding is needed for travel/materials you will need to put a justification to the board to approve funding

I’m sure there is more skills needed, and we’re not sure how much time is needed to deal with all this.