Monthly Archives: October 2012

Organisation Asssurance for amnesty international Sektion Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.

We can proudly announce that the Section Bundesrepublik Deutschland amnesty international has successfully passed the Organisation Assurance and is using the CAcert certificates for sending encrypted mails between their members.
If you want to see which other organisations use CAcert are using CAcert certificate look here:

Wir freuen uns für die Sektion Bundesrepublik Deutschland von amnesty international, dass sie die Organisation Assurance bestanden haben. ai nutzt nun die CAcert-Zertifikate zur Verschlüsselung des internen E-Mailverkehrs.
Wenn Sie sehen wollen welche Organsiationen noch CAcert-Zertifikate verwenden schauen Sie doch hier nach:

CAcert at T-DOSE, Eindhoven, Netherlands

On the coming week-end, October, 27th/28th, Technical Dutch Open Source Event (T-DOSE) will take place at the Fontys University of Applied Science in Eindhoven, Netherlands (about one hour drive from Duisburg, Germany, and Brussels, Belgium).

Who wants to get informed about free certificates, e.g. SSL-Server certificates, or client certificates for secure e-mail communication is invited to meet CAcert members for discussion on CAcerts’ T-DOSE booth. Questions about the use of certificates and necessary know-how will be answered.

The location linked in OpenStreetMap. Some navigation from Eindhoven train station can be found on Google Maps.

CAcert al Linux Day di Padova, 27 ottobre 2012

Il Linux Day è una manifestazione italiana che ha lo scopo di promuovere il sistema operativo GNU/Linux e il software libero, e consiste in un insieme di eventi contemporanei organizzati in diverse città italiane.

Anche quest’anno durante l’edizione padovana del Linux Day alcuni assurer di CAcert saranno a disposizione dei visitatori per le verifiche di identità e in generale per spiegare agli interessati le finalità e il funzionamento di CAcert.

L’iniziativa si svolgerà nella sede del liceo artistico Modigliani, in via Scrovegni 30. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito del Free Software Users Group Padova, alla pagina relativa all’evento.

Szabad Szoftver Konferencia és Kiállítás 2012

For English, see below.

A budapesti hackerspace ismét CAcert hitelesítést szervez a Szabad Szoftver Konferencia és Kiállításon, 2012. december 8-án az Óbudai Egyetemen (Bécsi út 96/b). Ha assurer vagy, gyere, ha assurert keresel, szintén! A részvétel a látogatók számára ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött, további információ a konferencia honlapján olvasható.

The budapest hackerspace will do CAcert assurance on a FLOSS event called Szabad Szoftver Konferencia és Kiállítás on December 8, 2012 at the University of Óbuda (Bécsi út 96/b). You’re welcome to drop by, regardless if you’re an assurer or looking for assurance. Attending the event is free, but you have to register, more information can be found on the web page of the event.