PoJAM – PolicyOnJuniorAssurersMembers moves to POLICY

PoJAM moves to POLICY
Policy Group now moved PoJAM to status POLICY p20130322. The Policy On Junior Assurers/Members is binding to the Assurers assuring other members or are by themselves under the age of 18 years.

If you are not familiar with this policy that was under DRAFT for about 3 years, its now a good time to become familiar with this Assurance Subpolicy. Further infos beside the PoJAM Assurance Subpolicy document itself you’ll find in the Wiki under PoJAM info page. Also consider to attend one of the upcoming Assurer Training Events to receive more infos about this special Assurance program.

This PoJAM Assurance Subpolicy now completes together with the CAcert Community Agreement and the Assurance Policy with the related Assurance Handbook the set of Assurance Policies.

Quick summary:

  1. You have to add a statement to the default CAP forms: Parental consent checked with your signature as assurer and your CARS statement.
  2. To enhance the CAP form documentation of Junior Members with the parental contact infos (name, email).
  3. The parental consent form lightens the burden of the Junior Assuree, to deliver the parental consent of the R/L/O’s of the Juniors membership to the Assurer.

Some historical records and sidenotes about the development process of this policy you’ll find in the blog post PoJAM to DRAFT dated February 1st, 2010.

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