Category Archives: Events

Upcoming Events

CAcert Assurances at USENIX’06 conf May 30-June 3 2006, Boston USA

At the annual technical USENIX’06 conference running from 30th of May till June 3rd, 2006 in Boston, USA you will be able to be assured by CAcert Assurers and obtaining more information at the Birds of Feather session at one of the evenings at the conference. If you only want to be assured and not attend the conference feel free to walk in and ask for a CAcert Assurer. If you want your PGP key signed feel free to drop in as well.

Be prepared and visit the CAcert web site for the preparations (Assurer Forms, registration account, etc.).

For more information see BOSTON06

CAcert assurance at “Debconf 2006?

There will be a coordinated CAcert assurance event happening at the 6th annual Debian conference (Debconf6) being held in Oaxtepec, Mexico between May 14th and May 22nd. The assurance process will take place during the GPG key signing party (Friday, 19th of May, 2006 at 18:00). Please watch for announcements in case of any changes.

To obtain assurance at the event, login to the CAcert site and click the “CAcert Web of Trust” menu, and then click on one of the WoT forms. Print that form out, verify that it has complete and accurate information, bring it and 2 forms of government issued photo identification (one will be accepted, but two are preferred in case of document validity doubts). Please also read over the following pages: and
If you are unable to attend the key signing party, or the conference itself, please contact micah atsymbol debian point org to arrange alternatives to assurance.

Poland: Po?wiadczanie to?samo?ci podczas FreeCONu 2006 (22-23 kwietnia)

Podczas konferencji “FreeCON 2006“, która odb?dzie si? 22 i 23 kwietnia we Wroc?awiu, b?dziemy (tzn. grupka assurerów CAcertu) po?wiadcza? to?samo?? osób chc?cych uzyska? certyfikat

Ch?tnych prosimy o zapoznanie si? z i przyniesienie co najmniej 2 dokumentów to?samo?ci ze zdj?ciem, wydanych przez jednostki administracji pa?stwowej.

Je?li nie b?dziesz uczestniczy? w konferencji, a chcia?by? uzyska? po?wiadczenie to?samo?ci, mo?emy umowi? si? na mie?cie lub w holu hotelu.

Kontakt: tom.CAcert * gmail kropka com


CAcert assuring at “FreeCON 2006” (22-23 April) in Wroclaw, Poland.

At the “FreeCON 2006” conference taking place on 22nd and 23rd of April in Wroclaw, Poland, we (a group of CAcert assurers) will be doing CAcert assuring.

Willing applicants, please read and bring at least 2 government issued photo ID documents.

In case you aren’t attending the conference itself, but you would like to be assured, please let me know and we can meet in the city or in the hotel lobby.

Contact me at tom.CAcert * gmail point com

CAcert assurers at FISL7.0, Brasil

O Sétimo Fórum Internacional de Software Livre acontece nos dias 19, 20, 21 e 22 de Abril no Centro de Exposições FIERGS, em Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil. Teremos um stand do Grupo de Usuários CAcert Brasil com certificadores efetuando certificações gratuitamente durante o evento. Para mais informações, contacte Evaldo Gardenali < evaldo AT gardenali DOT biz >

The Seventh edition of the Internal Free Software Forum happens on April 19th – 22th, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. We will have a CAcert Brazil User Group booth there, with assurers doing assurances for free during the event. For more information, contact Evaldo Gardenali < evaldo AT gardenali DOT biz >

2006-05-03 – Acreditação CAcert em Leiria (Portugal) na CRSC’2006

(Translated bellow)

No dia 3 de Maio de 2006, durante a CRSC’2006 (Conferência em Redes e Serviços de Comunicação), irá decorrer o primeiro evento de acreditação CAcert em Portugal entre as 9:30 e as 18:00. Aí poderá obter a pontuação máxima de uma só vez.

Os interessados devem ler e trazer 2 documentos emitidos pelo governo (por exemplo BI e carta de condução)

Para mais informações sobre a conferência e a sua localização consultar


On the 3rd of May 2006 during the CRSC’2006 (Conferência em Redes e Serviços de Comunicação), it will occur the first CAcert meeting in Portugal between 9:30 and 18:00. There you will be able to get the maximum trust points.

Those who are interested should read and bring 2 government issued ID documents.

More information about the conference and its location on

Unix / Linux Day 2006 Zweibrücken: CAcert assuring & keysigning party

I’m very proud to announce the upcoming Unix / Linux Day 2006, organised by the UnixAG Zweibrücken. This year’s event is focused on security related topics and is held under the motto: Linux Security Day. Talks include interesting topics such as virtualisation, auditing with Knoppix based live CDs, Solaris dtrace and ofcourse: CAcert!

We will be organising an OpenPGP keysigning party and ofcourse there will be plenty CAcert assurers available for assuring. Right now we have about six assurers. More assurers are always welcome!

Please take a look at for mor information.

CAcert startet mit Organisations-Assurance auf der CeBIT

CAcert startet nun in Deutschland mit einem neuen Angebot für Organisationen,
Assurances für SSL Zertifikate, S/Mime, Codesigning und Serverzertifikate.

Das heisst nun können auch im Handelsregister eingetragene
Gesellschaften, Kaufleute und Vereine ebenso wie Hochschulen, Städte,
Gemeinden, Ämter und andere siegelführende Körperschaften und Gesellschaften
des bürgerlichen Rechts von einem CAcert Organisations-Assurer abgenommen und
beglaubigt werden.

Diese Assurances erfolgen genauso wie die für Privatpersonen kostenfrei.

Auf der diesjährigen CeBIT können sich Organisationen direkt am
Stand von CAcert (Halle 5, Stand Nr. E 64/7) beraten lassen, und die
notwendige Personenkontrolle vornehmen.

Die Zertifikate ermöglichen Ihnen, Webserver mit HTTPS abzusicheren,
Ihre Emails mit S/MIME digital zu unterschreiben und zu verschlüsseln,
selbstgeschriebenen Programmcode sowie Dokumente digital zu
unterschreiben und so die Echtheit und den Urheber zu belegen.
Sie sind somit nicht mehr auf selbstsignierte Zertifikate angewiesen.
Die Zertifikate sind sowohl für private als auch für Organisationen

Jeder interessierte kann sich einen Account bei anlegen;
notwendig sind Name, Passwort und eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse.

Für die Identitätskontrolle auf der CeBIT sind amtliche Lichtbildausweise
erforderlich, Personalausweis, Führerschein oder Reisepass.

Für die Organisations Assurance ist zusätzlich eine beglaubigte
Vollmacht der Organisation sowie ein Handelsregisterauszug bzw.
Vereinsregisterauszug erforderlich.

Nach erfolgter Überprüfung der Identität steht dem Benutzer dann die
volle Bandbreite der Leistungen von CAcert zur Verfügung.

CAcert ist in Halle 5, Stand Nr. E 64/7 auf der CeBit 2006 zu finden.

CAcert at the CeBIT 2006

English version below.

Nach dem großen Erfolg vergangenes Jahr auf der CeBIT, wird CAcert auch dieses Jahr wieder auf der CeBIT 2006 mit einem Messestand vertreten sein:

CeBIT Halle 5, Stand E 64/7

Wir brauchen noch:
– Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten (in und um Hannover)
– Helfer (auch nur an einzelnen Tagen)

Wer mithelfen kann, bekommt nähere Informationen unter

After the huge success at the CeBIT 2005, CAcert will be again
this year on the CeBIT 2006:

CeBIT Hall 5, Booth E 64/7

We still need:
– places to sleep (in and around Hannover)
– people to help at the booth

If you can help, please read further details on