Category Archives: Information

General news/information to the CAcert community or about security in general

New Vote on a policy change

The policy group as just created a new vote on “DRP – minor changes, excluding controversial issues”

After one year of no activity on the policy side we are back in to business again.

If you want to follow the actual discussion just visit the archive on

The voting on the motion p20121213 is closed now.

The motion is CARRIED with an overwhelming consensus of 30:0.

Thank you all for participating!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

CAcert AGM and New Board

On 2012-11-25 CAcert held its Annual General Meeting. Minutes will be published soon on the wiki.

A new board was elected. We are happy to announce the new CAcert board

  • Dirk Astrath, DE
  • Michael Tänzer, DE
  • Werner Dworak, DE
  • Tomas Trnka, CZ
  • Kevin Dawson, AU
  • Sven Andriske, AU
  • Peter Yuill, AU

A big thank you to all people volunteering and helping to achieve this successful result. CAcert is dependent on many volunteers and is looking forward for your help to achieve such a good result for the coming year.

Organisation Asssurance for amnesty international Sektion Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.

We can proudly announce that the Section Bundesrepublik Deutschland amnesty international has successfully passed the Organisation Assurance and is using the CAcert certificates for sending encrypted mails between their members.
If you want to see which other organisations use CAcert are using CAcert certificate look here:

Wir freuen uns für die Sektion Bundesrepublik Deutschland von amnesty international, dass sie die Organisation Assurance bestanden haben. ai nutzt nun die CAcert-Zertifikate zur Verschlüsselung des internen E-Mailverkehrs.
Wenn Sie sehen wollen welche Organsiationen noch CAcert-Zertifikate verwenden schauen Sie doch hier nach:

CAcert al Linux Day di Padova, 27 ottobre 2012

Il Linux Day è una manifestazione italiana che ha lo scopo di promuovere il sistema operativo GNU/Linux e il software libero, e consiste in un insieme di eventi contemporanei organizzati in diverse città italiane.

Anche quest’anno durante l’edizione padovana del Linux Day alcuni assurer di CAcert saranno a disposizione dei visitatori per le verifiche di identità e in generale per spiegare agli interessati le finalità e il funzionamento di CAcert.

L’iniziativa si svolgerà nella sede del liceo artistico Modigliani, in via Scrovegni 30. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito del Free Software Users Group Padova, alla pagina relativa all’evento.

Bug fixing

The software developing team released recently some bug fixes that affect the users.

Firstly, the software now is able to give the correct assurer status. This has the effect that all assurers that have given assurances in the past but have not passed the CATS test will now no longer be shown as assurers until they have passed the test.

A second part is touching the Organisation section. A few changes were made in the presentation of the information. This affects the Organisation Administrators as well as the Organisation Assurers.

The software team is currently working on the fix for the faults in issuing of certificates in Internet Explorer. Help is needed in testing to check that all the changes are working properly.
If you are interested, join the test team under or have a look at the test instructions for Bug 964.

FrOSCon 2012 in St. Augustin 25./26. August 2012

For the English version see below.

Auch in diesem Jahr wird CAcert wieder auf der FrOSCon am 25. und 26. August in St. Augustin mit einem Stand vertreten sein.
Des Weiteren wird es im Entwicklerraum “Freie Software für Betrieb und Verwaltung” einen Vortrag zum Thema “Zertifikate im betrieblichen Alltag” von CAcert geben.
Sprecht uns auf dem Stand an, um zu erfahren, welche Aktivitäten zur Zeit bei CAcert durchgeführt und geplant sind.
Mehr unter

CAcert will be present again with a booth on the FrOSCon in St. Augustin 25th/26th August.
Further more there will be a speech about “Certificates in daily office work”.
Feel free to come along and ask us what CAcert is doing at the moment and what are the plans for the near future. More see

Security incident

Yesterday a security incident has been discovered which could potentially have affected the security of the CAcert servers. As far as we can tell now, there has not been any unauthorized access due to this, but further investigations will be done to confirm that. For the technical details please check the message posted to the cacert-systemlog mailinglist here.