Category Archives: Information

General news/information to the CAcert community or about security in general

Greg Rose, President of CAcert Inc.

Hi there. I’m Greg Rose, currently President of CAcert Inc. I wanted to tell the membership that the new board of directors is in place and doing things. We had our first board meeting a few weeks ago. We have since assumed control of the domain names, and are in the process of getting bank accounts moved over too. Most of our activity in the near future will be oriented toward getting the association on a sound management footing, so that we can make further progress on the audit, being included in more browsers, and promotion of our services.

We are planning an AGM around November. Look out for more information about that.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions or send suggestions to me/us.


CAcert Board Members’ Offices

As the new secretary for CAcert, Inc. I am happy to publish the offices to be held by the board members, as follows:

Greg Rose, President

Robert Cruikshank, Treasurer, Public Officer

Evaldo Gardenali, Secretary

All other board member positions are to be declared vacant for the term of this board, until the next Annual General Meeting, scheduled for later this year.
I would also like to say thanks once more to the previous board members, and all the people who helped us with the SGM, especially our Advisory team.

CAcert Inc. SGM: changes in CAcert Inc. board

At the 25th of May 2007 Special General Meeting (SGM) the CAcert Inc. members (re)elected Robert Cruikshank, Evaldo Gardenali and Greg Rose on the CAcert Inc. Committee (board). The resignations of the old board were accepted by the members.

All the (seven) nominated new members (nominated from January up to June 2007) were accepted and are welcomed as new members.

Membership expressed many thanks to the efforts made by resigned board members for CAcert Inc., especially gratitude is expressed to Duane Groth. We hope that they will continue their support as CAcert Inc. members.

CAcert auf dem Linuxtag 2007 in Berlin

der Linuxtag 2007 vom 30.Mai bis 02.Juni steht vor der Tür.
CAcert wird hier auch mit einem Stand vertreten sein an dem sich Interressierte Besucher informieren und assuren lassen können.

Assurer, die gerne helfen wollen sollten sich bitte schnellstmöglich unter erintragen, damit der Stand geplant werden kann. Geplant sind unter anderem Assurer Schulungen am Stand und weitere Neuerungen.

CAcert Inc. Call for SGM 25th of May 2007, 21:00 UTC

The CAcert Association is calling for a Special General Meeting on the 25th of May 2007, at 21:00 UTC. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a new Committee and Public Officer. You have to be an Association Member in order to join this SGM. CAcert is greatful to the former and current board members who (and all those volunteers) have made CAcert to this current great success.

Unix & Linuxday 2007

Wie auch letztes Jahr findet am 5.Mai 2007 an der FH Kaiserslautern, Standort Zweibrücken der “Unix & Linuxday 2007” statt.

Hier gibt es auch wieder die Möglichkeit sich am Stand von CAcert assuren zu lassen. Darüberhinaus wird es um 11:00 einen Vortrag zu Themen rund um CAcert (Zertifikatserstellungen, SSL, etc.) geben.

Interressierte können sich gerne im Wiki unter eintragen.

How to become a CAcert Association member

Most of us enjoy the CAcert free certficate service. But some of us also want to help out to make this service a long term and reliable free service. The base for this is done and carried out by persons joined by the CAcert Inc. association. If you want to join the association have a look at CAcert Association Membership For only 10 US$ per year and remember you need two current association members to nominate in order to join.