Category Archives: News

News Relating to CAcert

CAcert OA for The Document Foundation

At the CeBIT 2012 booth in Hannover CAcert was able to handover the Organisation Account (OA) for “The Document Foundation”. The Document Foundation is dealing with financial and legal cases on behalf of the open source project LibreOffice.

CAcert hands over OA to The Document Foundation

Picture (Martin Gummi): from left. Thorsten Behrens, Deputy Chairman TDF; Marcus Mängel, CAcert Organisation Assurance Officer; Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the board TDF; Dirk Astrath, Executive Board Member CAcert.

ATE-Leipzig, 10. April 2012

Am Dienstag, 10. April 2012 (Dienstag nach Ostern) findet in der Uni Leipzig das nächste ATE statt.

  • Was hast du auf dem CAP Formular hinzuzufügen, wenn du Minderjährige überprüfst ?
  • Warum solltest du dir die 3 Buchstaben: R/L/O einprägen ?
  • Wie verhälst du dich, wenn du ein fremdes Ausweis Dokument zum erste mal prüfst ?

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Piratenpartei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern im CAcert Organisation Assurance Program

Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung der Piratenpartei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und CAcert

Seit kurzem nimmt die Piratenpartei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern an dem Organisation Assurance Program der Zertifizierungsstelle CAcert teil. CAcert stellt Organisationen kostenfrei digitale Zertifikate zur Verfügung. Der Piratenpartei ermöglicht dies zum einen auf Service-Webseiten des Landesverbandes, wie z.B. unseren Umfragewerkzeugen oder der Aufgabenverwaltung, verschlüsselt zu surfen. Zum anderen kann so die Identität der Webseite überprüft werden. Zukünftig sollen die Zertifikate auch auf der Hauptseite eingebunden werden.

Digitale Zertifikate sind die Grundlage für verschlüsselte Kommunikation im Internet. Beispielsweise kann so das Surfen im Internet oder das Versenden von E-Mails gegen Dritte gesichert werden. Die breite Nutzung von Verschlüsselung ist die beste Möglichkeit der sicheren Kommunikation in Deutschland und weltweit. Zudem kann mit Zertifikaten die Echtheit und das Vorliegen des Originalzustandes eines elektronischen Dokumentes nachgewiesen werden.

Die Zertifikate von CAcert sind jedoch nicht standardmäßig in den Browsern enthalten. Dadurch erhalten Nutzer, die die CAcert-Root-Zertifikate nicht im Browser eingebunden haben, eine Warnung, wenn sie beispielsweise die Aufgabenverwaltung der Piratenpartei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern aufrufen. Diese können direkt von CAcert bezogen werden.

CAcert als engagierter, communitybasierter Zertifikatsaussteller (Certificate Authority) bietet jeder Person und jeder Organisation kostenfreie Zertifikate an. Somit hat jeder Nutzer die Möglichkeit, seine Kommunikation im Internet zu verschlüsseln.

ATE Jena, March 29th 2012

Am Donnerstag, 29. März 2012 findet in der Uni Jena das nächste ATE statt.

  • Was hast du auf dem CAP Formular hinzuzufügen, wenn du Minderjährige überprüfst ?
  • Warum solltest du dir die 3 Buchstaben: R/L/O einprägen ?
  • Wie verhälst du dich, wenn du ein fremdes Ausweis Dokument zum erste mal prüfst ?

Jena Uni Campus
Antworten auf diese und andere Fragen erhaltet ihr auf dem Assurer Training Event.
Bringt geeignete Lichtbildausweise für Assurances mit.

Ein zusätzlicher Hinweis für ehemalige Tverify/Thawte Leute:
Das ATE ist auch eine sehr gute Möglichkeit eure Assurance und Experience Punkte in die Reihe zu bekommen, bevor diese gestrichen werden.

ATE-Jena findet statt:

  • Donnerstag, 29. März, 2012
  • Am Johannisfriedhof 2
  • Universitätsrechenzentrum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
  • Jena
  • 19:00 bis ca. 22:00 Uhr

Registrierung: Ich möchte am ATE-Jena teilnehmen

Vielleicht treffen wir uns ja da.

Mit bestem Gruß vom Events Team!

PS: Kontakt: Events

Weitere Infos im Wiki: ATE Jena im Wiki

ATE Manchester / Crewe, UK – Sat 14th January

Much has happened during recent years. The old way of orally-transmitted procedures has now gone, and our rules have been cast into formal policies. New procedures (e.g. the Assurer Challenge) and obligations (e.g. in the CAcert Community Agreement) have been approved.
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Events and Sponsoring

CAcert will be present on the following events:
January 13th – 15th Blacksburg
January 14th ATE Manchester
February 4th -5th FOSDEM Brussels
February ATE Stockholm scheduled

Along with these events CAcert has lounged an affiliate program with
The affiliate program works as followed. If someone uses the link for from our event pages and he books and uses a hotel, CAcert gets a provision for this booking. The price for the hotel stays the same but you support For more see or on the event pages.

New Board of Directors constituted

After the election of the new board on 2011-11-27 on the Annual General Meeting the new board has now constituted itself. Due to the fact that not enough australian board members were elected a Sub Committee was set up according to CAcert Inc. rules.

The current CAcert Inc. Committee – the Board of Directors – consists of

  • Piers Lauder, AU, President
  • Dirk Astrath, DE, Vice President
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US, Treasurer
  • Tomáš Trnka, CZ, Secretary
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL, member
  • Ian Grigg, AU, member
  • Kevin Dawson, AU, member

The CAcert Inc. Sub Committee consists of all the members of the CAcert Inc. Committee including the elected members

  • Michael Tänzer, DE, member
  • Werner Dworak, DE, member

Both are supporting the Board of Directors, participate in decisions and carry motions.

Kevin Dawson was appointed as Public Officer. He is the Association representative at the Australian Office of Fair Trading and is the co-acting Treasurer on behalf of CAcert Inc. President.

CAcert AGM and New Board, Rules changes accepted

On 2011-11-27 CAcert held its Annual General Meeting. Minutes will be published soon on the wiki.

A new board was elected. We are happy to announce the new CAcert board

  • Piers Lauder, AU
  • Dirk Astrath, DE
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US
  • Michael Tänzer, DE
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL
  • Werner Dworak, DE
  • Tomas Trnka, CZ

During the AGM CAcert’s annual report and the financial report was presented and accepted by the membership. It shows many things happened at CAcert during the last year and is worth reading to get an impression of CAcert’s progress during the last time.

During the AGM, 3 special resolutions were presented, first to bring CAcert Inc rules in compliance with Association Act 2009 and 2 more rules changes, that fixed a minor bug. The rule changes have been accepted in a strong concensus.

A big thank you to all people volunteering and helping to achieve this successful result. CAcert is dependent on many volunteers and is looking forward for your help to achieve such a good result for the coming year.

Changes at CAcert: New Points Counting

We are proud to announce recent changes in the CAcert website. Although there have been quite a few changes in the past, mostly they have happened “behind the scenes”. Today we can announce more visible changes:

1. Change to My Points page
The Point list in the menu under “My Details” -> “My Points” will be enhanced. Main Point is: The Assurance Points received and given will be allocated in a new way. The crucial point was the working total of Assurance Points allocated to the Assuree. Previously, only the beneficial points were displayed, and points allocated in Assurances were rounded down if in excess of 100.

From now on, all allocated points are displayed. The Assuree can still only benefit up to a maximum of 100 Assurance Points. As an Assurer, the member may benefit up to a maximum of 50 Experience Points by assuring other members. The new list will display the calculation much more transparently. Please have a look at the new points listing at

2. Tverify points revoked
Along with this change, all points allocated under the old Tverify program will be revoked in the near future. The Tverify program to transfer points allocated by Thawte Notaries across to CAcert members was stopped sometime ago. Tverify points cannot be verified by CAcert (for example, they cannot be distinguished between the different Notaries), and therefore, these points will be revoked soon. If you are unsure about your level of assurance, we recommend that you seek further assurance from CAcert Assurers.

By performing these measures, we take another step towards a successful audit. Passing the audit is an important building block to be accepted as a CA in the internet browsers.

3. Check your Alert Settings
We would like to advise you of another important fact: In the future, we intend to send you further newsletters with our most important news, every few months. This present newsletter is being sent to all CAcert Community Member in a one-off mailing. For the future, please check your settings online at under “My Details” -> “My Alert Settings” or at and choose which newsletters you want to receive. In the future, we intend to rely on your settings so as to send our newsletter only to those who wish to receive the specified information.

Best regards,
Alexander Bahlo
Officer for Public Relations

Further information on the New Points counting: