Tag Archives: booking.com

Events and Sponsoring

CAcert will be present on the following events:
January 13th – 15th Blacksburg http://wiki.cacert.org/Events/FUDConBlacksburg
January 14th ATE Manchester http://wiki.cacert.org/Events/20120114ATE-Manchester
February 4th -5th FOSDEM Brussels http://wiki.cacert.org/events/FOSDEM2012
February ATE Stockholm scheduled

Along with these events CAcert has lounged an affiliate program with booking.com.
The affiliate program works as followed. If someone uses the link for booking.com from our event pages and he books and uses a hotel, CAcert gets a provision for this booking. The price for the hotel stays the same but you support For more see http://wiki.cacert.org/CAcertInc/Affiliates or on the event pages.