Category Archives: Progress

Start 2025 with a first CAcert project

Over the past few months, we have been pushing OpenID Connect forward. Today, you can sign in with OpenID Connect using CAcert certificates. Our tireless volunteers are still working on the finishing touches and documentation. Perhaps you are still looking for a New Year’s resolution and would like to give them a hand?

Or in the hours left until the new year is rung in, would you prefer to work on a small project that is guaranteed to be finished in less than an hour? Then the CAcert calendar prism is for you (free download). Print it out, cut it out, fold it and stick it together. 1-2-3-4 and your first project for 2025 is complete!

All the best for the new year
and thank you very much for your support, help and funding.

Best price journeys with cash back for CAcert:
Donations IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0

Was ist OpenID Connect und was kann es?

Seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr ist bei CAcert immer wieder die Rede von OpenID Connect. Vor wenigen Wochen konnten die Messebesucher der FrOScon unser neues Standbein an unserem Stand selber testen. Doch um was geht es da genau? Eva Stöwe erklärte die Vorteile von OpenID Connect im zweiten Teil (ab 32:40) eines Vortrags an der FrOScon. Dabei geht sie auch auf die Kombination von OpenID Connect mit CAcert-Zertifikaten ein.

Schau den ganzen Vortrag oder auch nur den Teil über OpenID Connect mit CAcert-Zertifikaten ab Minute 32:40 auf dem Medienserver des ChaosComputerClubs: (Vortrag in deutscher Sprache)

Bist du so begeistert, dass du selber mithelfen möchtest? Lies hier, welche Möglichkeiten sich dir bieten! Oder wie du mit einer kleinen Spende von €10 die Betriebskosten decken kannst: oder IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0

CAcert’s OpenID Connect is now working

CAcert was represented at Froscon last week end. Our volunteers presented the new OpenID Connect project and discussed with the attendees. In fact, an exciting development this year was the completion of a first version of the CAcert OpenID Connect tool, allowing our members to use their Client Certificates to log in to various other services without using passwords. Services such as Nextcloud, Mantis, and possibly Drupal and WordPress can provide our members easy access. Work will continue on this project into the next month.

CAcert staff talking to interested public and giving assurances at FrOSCon booth

Are you so enthusiastic that you want to help out yourself? Read here what opportunities are available to you! Or how you can cover the operating costs with a small donation of €10: or IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0

Software Team extended

They repair our systems, expand them and adapt them to new requirements. Put new functions through their paces. They deal with errors and find innovative and pragmatic solutions. They also plan, develop and programme new pillars for CAcert. We are talking about a dedicated small group of volunteers known as “Software Team”. When you talk to them, you can immediately sense the enthusiasm with which they work in their free time to create new things together and make progress.

The fact that various small projects have been completed in recent months, that age-related weaknesses have been ironed out and errors rectified, and that a major new project has been brought to the finishing line, is not only thanks to the dedication of these people, but also to the fact that they have succeeded in winning over others. The software team has actually grown this year, with new members joining the team. In fact, the software team has actually grown this year, with new members joining the team.

New recruits initially take on small tasks, working hand in hand with volunteers who know our systems inside out like nobody else. Once they have passed the security check, formerly known as ABC, replaced some time ago by BGC, they also help with work on system-relevant software. Welcome to the Software Team of CAcert!

Contribute to our expenses with €10 or IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0

CAcert significantly reduces power consumption

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The operation of servers in a data centre is always associated with power consumption. And at the latest since the winter of 2022/2023 with the energy shortage in Europe, broad sections of the population have also realised that electricity consumption is associated with costs.

We at CAcert have been looking at our technical equipment for some time now: on the one hand, it should be cost-effective to purchase, as we don’t have an infinite amount of money and handle our friends’ donations with care. On the other hand, we will also take a look at the operating costs.

Some time ago, we drew up a plan to replace old, long-depreciated appliances that were becoming increasingly prone to failure and consuming a lot of electricity in several stages. The planning and initial steps were started by Secure-U before the machinery was transferred to CAcert Inc.

A look at the diagram above shows the success of these measures. August is shown as an example for the years 2014-2022, followed by all months for 2023-2023: Consumption was reduced from 600-800 kWh to around 200 kWh in two steps. This enabled us to offset the doubling of the electricity price.

Anyone who wants to share in the reduced electricity costs or make a contribution to fill the hole in the till that the purchase of the machines has torn as a small thank you to those volunteers who did the installation of the new servers in their spare time for you: Donation account CAcert: IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0 or with bank or credit card.

CAcert reduziert Stromverbrauch signifikant
Der Betrieb von Servern in einem Datenzentrum ist immer mit Stromverbrauch verbunden. Und spätestens seit dem Winter 2022/2023 mit der Energiemangellage in Europa ist auch breiten Schichten bewusst, dass Stromverbruach mit Kosten verbunden ist. Wir von CAcert beschäftigen uns schon länger mit unserer technischen Ausrüstung: Einerseits soll sie kostenkünstig sein in der Anschaffung, da wir nicht unendlich viel Geld haben und mit den Spendengeldern unserer Freunde sorgfältig umgehen. Andererseits werden wir auch einen Blick auf die Betriebskosten.

So haben wir schon vor längerem einen Plan erstellt, wie wir alte, längst abgeschriebene Gerät, die immer störungsanfälliger wurden und viel Strom verbrauchten in mehreren Schritten ersetzen können. Die Planung und die ersten Schritte wurden noch von Secure-U begonnen, bevor der Maschinenpark an CAcert Inc überging. Ein Blick auf obenstehendes Diagramm zeigt den Erfolg dieser Massnahmen. Für die Jahre 2014-2022 ist jeweils exemplarisch der August gezeigt, anschliessend alle Monate für 2023-2023: Der Verbrauch von 600-800 kWh konnte in zwei Schritten auf rund 200 kWh gesenkt werden. So konnten wir die Verdoppelung des Strompreises auffangen.

Wer sich an den reduzierten Stromkosten beteiligen will oder mit einem Beitrag das Loch in der Kasse auffüllen, das die Anschaffung der neuen Maschinen gerissen hat: Spendenkonto von CAcert: IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0 oder mit Bank- oder Kreditkarte.

CAcert réduit massivement la consommation d’énergie
L’exploitation de serveurs dans un centre de données est toujours liée à la consommation d’électricité. Et depuis l’hiver 2022/2023 et la pénurie d’énergie en Europe, de larges couches de la population sont conscientes que la consommation d’électricité est liée à des coûts.

Chez CAcert, nous nous préoccupons depuis longtemps de notre équipement technique : d’une part, il doit être peu coûteux à l’achat, car nous n’avons pas des moyens illimités et nous gérons avec soin les dons de nos amis. D’autre part, nous allons également jeter un coup d’œil sur les coûts d’exploitation.
Ainsi, nous avons établi depuis longtemps un plan pour remplacer en plusieurs étapes les anciens appareils amortis depuis longtemps, qui devenaient de plus en plus sujets aux pannes et consommaient beaucoup d’électricité. La planification et les premières étapes ont été entamées par Secure-U avant que le parc de machines ne soit transféré à CAcert Inc.

Un coup d’œil sur le diagramme ci-dessus montre le succès de ces mesures. Pour les années 2014-2022, le mois d’août est montré à titre d’exemple, puis tous les mois pour 2023-2023 : La consommation de 600-800 kWh a pu être réduite en deux étapes à environ 200 kWh. Nous avons ainsi pu compenser le doublement du prix de l’électricité.

Ceux qui souhaitent participer à la réduction des coûts d’électricité ou combler par une contribution le trou dans la caisse que l’achat des nouvelles machines a creusé : Compte de dons CAcert: IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0 ou avec une carte bancaire ou de crédit.

Finally: Create a Client Certificate in the Browser

Since Google and Mozilla have removed the <keygen> element we use from the HTML standard and from their browsers, we have endeavoured to provide a valid replacement so that client certificates can once again be created so easily that even my grandmother could do it.

Finding a solution was not easy; other CAs were also sweating bullets here. The solution that we have been offering for some time now was initially somewhat hidden, but has since been prominently linked as the seventh service on our community portal

Both the new solution and the community portal are the result of the tireless work of a small group of volunteers. As a small thank you, you can make their work easier by not having to worry about CAcert’s operating costs. Donation account CAcert: IBAN CH02 0077 4010 3947 4420 0 or with bank or credit card.

Visit at the Datacenter on 2024-02-02

Today we visited the datacenter again to return the newly installed backup machine webdb2 and verify some settings on the signer machines.

While we were onsite, we updated neary all critical machines (including our main firewall), which caused outages of some minutes of our services.

After all updates were done we ran some tests including issuing Class1 and Class3-certifcates (client and server). A minor isse with crl-server (not running the rsync-service) was corrected afterwards remotely.

Both signers are now communicating with their webdb-servers. In the next days we’ll set up an automatic backup of webdb1 to webdb2 so webdb2 can fully replace webdb1 in case of a failure, which could not be corrected remoted.

Upcoming changes during pentecost

+++ Update +++ is now running on a new server, first tests were successful. Still some finetuning needs to be done afterwards +++ update +++

During the long weekend around pentecost (“Pfingsten” as it is called here in Germany) we’re planning the next step in replacing some hardware at the datacenter.

The main reason for the visit at the datacenter on monday is it to plug the serial connection between our webserver and signer to the new machine.

As our main website will move to a new server, which was installed in the datacenter during the last visit, there will be an interruption of service while doing the final copy and reconfiguration of the firewall (hopefully not longer than one hour).

While we’re at the datacenter we’re adding two SSD-drives to infra02. During the activation of the host system on these SSDs the services running on infra02 (like blog, wiki etc.) will not be accessible and/or slower than usual.

After all services are moved (remotely/afterwards) from the HDDs to SSDs everything should be active again … and most likely faster.

At a later visit (planned in July) the old sun1-server and old infra02-HDDs will be removed from the rack.

The final step for hardware-upgrade/replacement in the critical environment will be a replacement of the old signer machine(s) by new servers and HSM-modules. For this step software- as well as development team need some assistance in reviewing and testing especially the coding (written in Go). Feel free to contact us via support@.c.o, mailing-lists or using comments to this blog-entry.

Upcoming Changes for

Today we switched the connection to our main website as a preparation for a “bigger” change. Unfortunately this (temporary) change is not IPv6-capable, so only IPv4 is working currently.

Over the weekend we plan to move to another server for a more recent environment and add a second firewall to our rack. During this server-transition you may face some issues while using, after the weekend the services should be normal again.

Early next week we’ll enable IPv6 again for our main website (maybe by using a new IPv6-Address, but that’s not yet decided).

All other services (like blog/wiki/bugs/…) should remain active as usual as there is currently no planned update.

Nameserver-Changes for -update-

Update: Nameserver-transition is currently finished, new DNSSEC-records are set and active. KSK and ZSK were replaced by CSK.

In the ongoing process to update hard- and software we’re moving our main domain to another master-nameserver-machine (with different nameserver-software) within our rack …

As we’re using DNSSEC to secure our domains, we need to update KSK and ZSK-keys for our domains during this progress, too.

Therefore you may face some DNSSEC-errors or issues in resolving within the next days, but this should resolve itself within some hours/days.

As soon as the transition of the nameserver-move is finished, I’ll update this post.

Todo: Give the “old” nameserver-address again (after next hardware-change onsite) so secondary-nameserver can get back to work. ns3 is currently not listed at our registrar, so not active for CAcert-Domains.