2005 Annual General Meeting

Some of you may be unaware, however we’ve pencilled the 3rd of July (for most time zones) in as the date of the next AGM. By law we are required to hold an AGM every 12 months.

If you would like to vote on, or be nominated for any of the board positions you must either become a member, or renew your membership by the 1st of July (so we can process things in time for the meeting).

If you would like to become a member it’s encouraged that you read our rules, as this has information covering most/all questions about memberships and board roles, it also has the membership form on the 2nd last page that needs to be filled out and signed.

Adobe’s PDF editor can digitally sign documents, or you can print it out and scan it. Once you have a signed document (either digital or written signatures) you need to email this to secretary at CAcert org. Once received all new membership requests will be dealt with as the first order of business at the next AGM.

It’s encouraged that everyone that wants to vote or be nominated for a role also get their membership paid for before the AGM as this will ensure your vote is valid and able to be counted.

Membership is only US$10/year, and if you don’t want to become a member, but just want to donate some money to CAcert that is also welcome.

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