Monthly Archives: April 2006

CAcert assurance at “Debconf 2006?

There will be a coordinated CAcert assurance event happening at the 6th annual Debian conference (Debconf6) being held in Oaxtepec, Mexico between May 14th and May 22nd. The assurance process will take place during the GPG key signing party (Friday, 19th of May, 2006 at 18:00). Please watch for announcements in case of any changes.

To obtain assurance at the event, login to the CAcert site and click the “CAcert Web of Trust” menu, and then click on one of the WoT forms. Print that form out, verify that it has complete and accurate information, bring it and 2 forms of government issued photo identification (one will be accepted, but two are preferred in case of document validity doubts). Please also read over the following pages: and
If you are unable to attend the key signing party, or the conference itself, please contact micah atsymbol debian point org to arrange alternatives to assurance.

Poland: Po?wiadczanie to?samo?ci podczas FreeCONu 2006 (22-23 kwietnia)

Podczas konferencji “FreeCON 2006“, która odb?dzie si? 22 i 23 kwietnia we Wroc?awiu, b?dziemy (tzn. grupka assurerów CAcertu) po?wiadcza? to?samo?? osób chc?cych uzyska? certyfikat

Ch?tnych prosimy o zapoznanie si? z i przyniesienie co najmniej 2 dokumentów to?samo?ci ze zdj?ciem, wydanych przez jednostki administracji pa?stwowej.

Je?li nie b?dziesz uczestniczy? w konferencji, a chcia?by? uzyska? po?wiadczenie to?samo?ci, mo?emy umowi? si? na mie?cie lub w holu hotelu.

Kontakt: tom.CAcert * gmail kropka com


CAcert assuring at “FreeCON 2006” (22-23 April) in Wroclaw, Poland.

At the “FreeCON 2006” conference taking place on 22nd and 23rd of April in Wroclaw, Poland, we (a group of CAcert assurers) will be doing CAcert assuring.

Willing applicants, please read and bring at least 2 government issued photo ID documents.

In case you aren’t attending the conference itself, but you would like to be assured, please let me know and we can meet in the city or in the hotel lobby.

Contact me at tom.CAcert * gmail point com

CAcert assurers at FISL7.0, Brasil

O Sétimo Fórum Internacional de Software Livre acontece nos dias 19, 20, 21 e 22 de Abril no Centro de Exposições FIERGS, em Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil. Teremos um stand do Grupo de Usuários CAcert Brasil com certificadores efetuando certificações gratuitamente durante o evento. Para mais informações, contacte Evaldo Gardenali < evaldo AT gardenali DOT biz >

The Seventh edition of the Internal Free Software Forum happens on April 19th – 22th, in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. We will have a CAcert Brazil User Group booth there, with assurers doing assurances for free during the event. For more information, contact Evaldo Gardenali < evaldo AT gardenali DOT biz >