Poland: Po?wiadczanie to?samo?ci podczas FreeCONu 2006 (22-23 kwietnia)

Podczas konferencji “FreeCON 2006“, która odb?dzie si? 22 i 23 kwietnia we Wroc?awiu, b?dziemy (tzn. grupka assurerów CAcertu) po?wiadcza? to?samo?? osób chc?cych uzyska? certyfikat CAcert.org.

Ch?tnych prosimy o zapoznanie si? z http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/FAQ/AssuranceByCAP i przyniesienie co najmniej 2 dokumentów to?samo?ci ze zdj?ciem, wydanych przez jednostki administracji pa?stwowej.

Je?li nie b?dziesz uczestniczy? w konferencji, a chcia?by? uzyska? po?wiadczenie to?samo?ci, mo?emy umowi? si? na mie?cie lub w holu hotelu.

Kontakt: tom.CAcert * gmail kropka com


CAcert assuring at “FreeCON 2006” (22-23 April) in Wroclaw, Poland.

At the “FreeCON 2006” conference taking place on 22nd and 23rd of April in Wroclaw, Poland, we (a group of CAcert assurers) will be doing CAcert assuring.

Willing applicants, please read http://wiki.cacert.org/wiki/FAQ/AssuranceByCAP and bring at least 2 government issued photo ID documents.

In case you aren’t attending the conference itself, but you would like to be assured, please let me know and we can meet in the city or in the hotel lobby.

Contact me at tom.CAcert * gmail point com

One thought on “Poland: Po?wiadczanie to?samo?ci podczas FreeCONu 2006 (22-23 kwietnia)

  1. Tomek Post author

    I’m back from Freecon.
    The assuring was a big success. The interest was big and I assured about 80 people. But the total amount of assured persons is even bigger because some candidates didn’t present themselves to all the assurers. And my neighbour assurer assured all alone more people than me.

    Most of assured persons acquired full 100 points.
    Considering that up to now there were only about 7 or 8 assurers in Poland, the increase of the number of people in Poland who are able to assure is very significant.
    Most likely not all of them will be active as assurers, but the folks I talked to – thought that CAcert was a great idea.

    Nice guys who I have been returning home on the train with are very enthusiastic about the idea and are just keen on assuring new persons and spreading the news at various open source conferences and meetings they frequently attend.

    Undoubtedly we managed to “seed” Poland 🙂 .

    Tomasz Papszun
    tom.CAcert * gmail point com

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