Software-Testers Reward Challenge – May 2011 results

report uploadMay 20th, CAcert has started the Software-Testers Reward Challenge 2011

The first result for May 2011 now has counted:

We’ve received exactly 3 countable reports within the period from 2011-05-20 to 2011-05-31

2 reports were written by ‘alex’
1 report was written by ‘pseudomonas’

Despite the fact we’ve received several new bug reports (that do not count for the Software-Testers Reward Challenge, see the rules for Software-Testers Reward Challenge 2011), the two winners will receive the proposed reward:

  1. Alex -> 30 Euro
  2. Pseudomonas -> 15 Euro

Please contact our treasurer, that is Alexander Prinsier (, to give him your paypal details, so the reward can be transfered to your account.

Why CAcert has started the Software-Testers Reward Challenge?

Software-Assessment is an audit related project. No working software update procedure means: audit fail.

So all we need is a working Software-Assessment team – We have.

But this is only half of the story. The Software-Assessment team relates to the software testteam. Despite the fact we have a software testteam, but the problem is: testteam is not working 🙁 so in the end, Software-Assessment stalls.

We have discussed this problem several times in the Software-Assessment project team meetings and escalated the problem to the board. Board decided with the board motion m20110515.4 to start a test balloon with the Software-Testers Reward Challenge limited for two months to find more active testers, as board identified this becomes a problem for a successful audit.

A second attempt we’ll try to start mid June at Barcamp Karlsruhe, with a Software-Testers workshop.

Next round has started … Join the testteam!

The June 2011 period has started. Now you have 3,5 weeks more to go.

All you have to do:

  1. Go to the Software-Testers Portal
  2. Read the notes to the published patches.
  3. Go over to the testserver and give it a try.
  4. Test the patches and report your test results to (links given under Software-Testers Portal )

If you don’t have an account on the testserver yet, create an account.
instructions you’ll find here under the

Happy testing

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