Category Archives: Information

General news/information to the CAcert community or about security in general

OpenRheinRuhr 2009

Am 7. und 8. November 2009 präsentiert sich die OpenRheinRuhr das erste
Mal der Öffentlichkeit.

Unter dem Slogan ‘Ein Pott voll Software’ bringt der OpenRheinRuhr e. V.
im Saalbau Bottrop Entwickler, Dienstleister, Anwender und Interessierte
zum Thema Freie Software in der Region Rhein-Ruhr zusammen.

Das Verzeichnis der Aussteller und Vorträge ist prall gefüllt und
bietet Informationen und Gesprächsgrundlagen über alle Bereiche der
Freien Software. Über 42 Austeller haben sich für das Wochenende
angemeldet. Ein ausführliches Verzeichnis ist auf der Homepage unter zu finden.

In drei Räumen finden während beider Tage insgesamt 40 Vorträge
statt. Die Themen reichen dabei von “Der Abmahnwahn in Deutschland”
über “Enterprise CRM mit Open Source” bis zu “Neuheiten in 3.x”. Einsteigerthemen sind hier genau so vertreten wie
Open Source ERP und CRM sowie weiterführende Themen zu Netzwerk und

Zusätzlich halten das Linux Professional Institute (LPI) und BSD
Certification Prüfungen ab. Am Samstag gibt es ein GPG-Keysigning und
über die gesamte Zeit sind CAcert Assurer vor Ort um Assurances

Für das leibliche Wohl wird das Casino des Saalbaus zu angemessenen
Preisen sorgen. Park- sowie Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten sind in den
Besucherinformationen vermerkt.

Kostenlose Eintrittskarten für die Veranstaltung sind auf der Webseite verfügbar.

An der Tageskasse kostet das Ticket 5 EUR.

Öffnungszeiten: 9:30 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr am 07. und 08.11.2009
Veranstaltungsort: Saalbau Bottop, Droste-Hülshoff-Platz 4, 46236 Bottrop
Veranstalter: OpenRheinRuhr e. V., c/o Michael Gisbers, Neukölner Str. 94, 46147 Oberhausen

Client Certs are the future…

One of the things I recently discovered (to my surprise) is that client certs used in browsers are out of scope for browser policy purposes. This is because *the server* is the relying party, and there is no decision of reliance to make in the browser. So the vendor doesn’t care.

And, as we know, for the most part servers require a fair bit of config to get up and going … so even a decision to distro the root of one player or another isn’t so important.

The playing field is more or less level. What’s perhaps more controversial is this claim: client certs deliver more bang-for-buck in real security benefits than any other use of certs.

Which means that our idea of using client certs every where ( originally, but now webmail, archives, and this very blog!) is also a good strategic direction. We can deliver!

Therefore, Apache tutorials like this one by Dan are much more important. Download it today! Put it into practice on your website! Not to mention, that client certs delivers lots of administration benefits in easing our management of sites, as I muse on over at my blog. Have you noticed how there are no complaints about lost passwords over at No more comment spam on this blog [1]?

Say No to Spam!

What I would like to see is a list of systems where CAcert certs are now in definite use. Production. Benefits! This would include CATS in pole position, also the blog, the webmail, the mail archives. Also possibly that OpenID server (is that run by Assurers? I assume so… I’m not even sure where it is).

[1] OK, it seems that only a very few long suffering admins could even see it. So you probably can’t see it, … and can’t imagine the joy of not having to deal with it ever again 🙂 I checked last night, there is a tiny bit of trackback spam, which I can’t quite see how to deal with, but nobody cares about trackback these days…

Security Party in Switzerland this Week

On the evening of Friday, the 23rd of October 2009 will be held a somewhat end user-oriented conference on the theme of Cryptography, SSL/TLS and trust networks, with the opportunity to sign GPG keys and be assured by assurers. This conference will be held in Switzerland, at the University of Applied Science – HES-SO / HE-Arc Ingénierie in St-Imier (BE).

You can find details on Linux User Group – Neuchâtel

Registration is not required – if you want to participate in GPG key signing, please send your GPG key info and fingerprint until Monday 19 to: schaefer (at) alphanet (dot) ch – and Entrance is free.

This conference is co-organized by HE-Arc / ISIC, Linux User Group – Neuchâtel and by individual Assurers.


Le soir du vendredi 23 octobre 2009 aura lieu à l’Institut des systèmes d’information et de communications de la Haute Ecole Arc ingénierie – HES-SO à St-Imier (BE) en Suisse une conférence sur le thème de la cryptographie, de SSL/TLS et des réseaux de confiance, avec l’opportunité de signer des clés GPG et d’être vérifié par des assureurs CAcert.

Détails ici, Groupe d’Utilisateurs Linux – Neuchâtel

Inscription non nécessaire – mais vous devez envoyer vos informations de clés publique GPG et empreinte à: schaefer (arobas) alphanet (point) ch, si vous voulez participer à la signature de votre clé. Entrée gratuite.

Cette conférence est co-organisée par la HE-Arc / ISIC, Groupe d’Utilisateurs Linux – Neuchâtel et des assureurs individuels de

planned Maintainance

The Admin-Team is going to implement a change to the main website tonight, that
will increase the speed of the website.
There is currently expected a downtime of parts of the website (login,
certificate issueing) for a few minutes during the implementation.

Thawte Web of Trust Shutting Down

Thawte’s Web Of Trust is to be Terminated by 16th November

Therefore the board is planning to run the Tverify program until that time, then terminate it completely (as the information will no longer be available).

Then, members who have come in via Tverify will have a year to get assured by other means. This includes members who have obtained points from Tverify in the past.

Tverify is now operating under the authority of board motion m20090928.1 and under the Assurance Policy. This latter means no issues of points over 50, and the earlier includes some restrictions.

However, note that all Tverify points (including ones previously obtained), will be deleted late 2010, so it is best to get assured by CAcert assurers anyway. If you can reach a few of them it may be easier all round if you do that instead of using the Tverify process.

See for more details. (Disclaimer: that wiki page is not an official statement of the committee)

For the committee of management (board) of CAcert Incorporated,

Nicholas E. Bebout
CAcert Incorporated

Ask not what your country can do for you…

John F Kennedy inspired a nation by saying that. Then he said:

“ask what you can do for your country!”

What can you do for your community? Here’s one idea I’ve been playing around with. I call it Adopt-A-Page but I reckon there is a better title out there for it. It works like this:

  1. Identify your place inside the Community. Sysadm? Assurer? Coder? Arbitrator? Cert-user? There are lots of possibilities.
  2. Find your favourite web page that relates to your part in the Community.
  3. Link to that place from your many websites.
  4. Keep it live and relevant. Update your collection from time to time.

That was easy! Why is this so important? Another easy question with a simple answer: FUNDING. CAcert needs money to finance the current audit work programme and the next audit. We can get that by (a) being a source of advertising and (b) by being higher profile.

Both of those things can be helped by YOU linking into CAcert. That’s because a little help by you, multipled by the size of our community, equals a lot of help!

It really doesn’t matter where you link in to. You choose. What matters more is that you use diverse websites, if you have them to hand.

This is one thing you can do for your Community!. Point your website to us. Proclaim your ability as an Assurer. Tell the world which system you administer. Tell us you care. Loudly! Tell us you’re part of the community. Hell, tell us anything you like, as long as it includes a link 🙂

Linux Info Tag Landau 2009

Der Linux Info Tag am 10. Oktober 2009 in Landau (Rheinland-Pfalz) findet wie jedes Jahr auch dieses Jahr wieder mit einem kleinen aber feinen Programm im Kreuz+Quer in Landau statt. Auch dieses Jahr wird es die Möglichkeit geben sich über CAcet, Zertifikate und Sicherheit am Computer zu informieren, sowie eine Assurance durchführen zu lassen.
Weitere Infos und die Möglichkeit sich anzumelden gibt es im CAcert-wiki.

CAcert Blog is fully X.509 enabled

The CAcert-Blog is now fully X509 enabled.
From never visited the site before and using a named certificate you can, with one click (log in), register for the site and have author status ready to write your own contribution.

If you only have a WoT unnamed certificate you can write your article and it will be spam controlled by the PR people (aka editors).

If you had a contributor account and haven’t posted anything yet you have been downgraded to a subscriber (no comment or write a post access) with all the other spammers. The good news is once you log in with a certificate you get upgraded to the correct status just as if you’d registered.

There is no password authentication any more. The time taken to make sure both behaved reliably was not possible in the time the admins had available.

Please ignore the big blog upgrade notice – we are using Debian security maintained packages and don’t need a WordPress upgrade.

So get to it – write something interesting.
[Edits thanks to Henrik Heigl]