Category Archives: Information

General news/information to the CAcert community or about security in general

Can a competition help?

Over at the Economist, they are reporting on how to figure out whether a bot can be human: that which we software geeks call the Turing test.

IF A computer could fool a person into thinking that he were interacting with another person rather than a machine, then it could be classified as having artificial intelligence. That, at least, was the test proposed in 1950 by Alan Turing, a British mathematician. Turing envisaged a typed exchange between machine and person, so that a genuine conversation could happen without the much harder problem of voice emulation having to be addressed.

It’s curious how Alan Turing managed to predict the arisal and social domination of things like IRC, ICQ and now Skype. Back to the Turing Test, some AI people are now doing it within competitions:

At a symposium on computational intelligence and games organised in Milan this week by America’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, researchers are taking part in a competition called the 2K BotPrize. The aim is to trick human judges into thinking they are playing against other people in such a game. The judges will be pitted against both human players and “bots” over the course of several battles, with the winner or winners being any bot that convinces at least four of the five judges involved that they are fighting a human combatant. Last year, when the 2K BotPrize event was held for the first time, only one bot fooled any judges at all as to its true identity—and even then only two of them fell for it.

Can a competition help? Apparently, Yes! It revealed that the way to tell if it is a bot is to measure its perfection:

…But it must also have enough flaws to make it appear human. As Jeremy Cothran, a software developer from Columbia, South Carolina, who is another veteran of last year’s competition, puts it, “it is kind of like artificial stupidity”.

Mr Pelling says that one of the biggest challenges lies in programming the bots to account for sneaky tactics from the judges. It is relatively easy to manipulate the game and do unnatural things in order to elicit behavioural flaws in a badly programmed bot. And if a judge observes even a single instance of unnatural behaviour the game is, as it were, over.

To me, that’s a surprising result. Obvious now that I think about it.

Maybe competitions can help because they encourage really innovative things and thinking? Can they help us at CAcert?

To this end, we recently had the bright idea that one way to get our systems to the next level in security and robustness was to run a competition to create a signing server. The idea behind the signing server is that it is basically a hand-built small computer that just does signing. That part is simple, and the obvious approach is to buy a small machine, load up Linux or BSD, install Apache, and start signing. And, that’s precisely what we do! Today, right now, as it happens. Good luck, guys!

But how to make such a signing server secure? That’s a really tricky question. Worse, it is a question with many contradictory answers, and many very expensive answers. I have a feeling that it should be cheap, it should be something we can do without contradictory answers, and it should be something we can do ourselves.

It should also be fun! Maybe, just maybe, we can run a design competition to create the design for a new-generation, open and secure signing server. Any one agree?

Replacement of CAcert signing server – no service on Sep 11 14:00 – 22:00 CEST

Recently CAcert has experienced some hardware problems with its signing server. The critical systems admin team has recommended to install new up-to-date hardware, and thanks to a donation from NLUUG (the association of (professional) Open Systems and Open Standards users in the Netherlands) to Oophaga, CAcert’s hardware keeper, a new machine has been made available to CAcert on July 20, 2009.

This opportunity is used by the critical systems administrators to test new technology and software. Thorough testing is performed on the new system before migrating all data from the old signing server to the new server inside the secure data center.

The actual migration will take place on Friday September 11. During the migration, the signing system will be out of operation for a period of period of four to eight hours. This means that CAcert signing service will not be available on Friday September 11 2009 between 14:00 CEST and 22:00 CEST. If all goes well, the service may be restored before 22:00 CEST, but we cannot predict that in advance.

UPDATE: full service was restored at 16:00 CEST, the total service interruption lasted only from 14:30 CEST until 16:00 CEST. at OpenExpo09 in Switzerland – Winterthur / Zürich – September 23.-24., 2009

OpenExpo, the Swiss leading conference and trade show for Free and Open Source Software, will take place for the 7th time Wednesday and Thursday, September 23. and 24. 2009 at the Eulachhallen in Winterthur / Zürich. is proud to be present among many other Open Source Projects as part of the Open Source Community.

Additional Swiss CAcert assurers or CAcert assurers from any country with successfully passed assurer test and willing to help, register in the Wiki.


OpenExpo, die Schweizer Messe und Tagung für Freie und Open Source Software findet zum siebten Mal statt, am Mittwoch und Donnerstag, 23. und 24.September 2009 in den Eulachhallen in Winterthur / Zürich. ist stolz darauf, mit vielen anderen Open Source Projekten an diesem Anlass teilnehmen zu dürfen und Teil der Open Source Community zu sein.

Zusätzliche Schweizer Assurer oder Assurer aus irgend einem Land mit erfolgreich absolviertem Assurer Test, welche mithelfen wollen, tragen sich bitte im Wiki ein.

Evidence of Destruction of Broken Signer Disk Drive

CAcert’s SysAdmin team used the opportunity of HAR2009 to destroy a broken disk drive. HAR2009 is an open-air gathering of hackers, and although “hard to explain” it was ideal for this need. The disk had only been in use for a short period within the signing server, but was taken out of service because of reliability issues. This is common with today’s disk drives, and does not relate to a particular manufacturer. To get high performance, the envelope is pushed, and consequently many more drives fail than we want.

In order to be in compliance with CAcert’s policies, the disk must be wiped and then destroyed. With a newly-developed disk destruction machine MAXXeGUARD offered for free use by CMGG and for all attendees of HAR2009, it was an opportunity too good to pass up.

All such actions are logged and witnessed for future audit purposes. The process has been photographed (see pictures below) both for the evidence purposes and to give us all an idea as to how much work goes into CAcert’s systems.

The disk destroying machine, Front view
The disk destroying machine, Front view

Close-up of the disk destroying machine with disk drive
Close-up of the disk destroying machine with disk drive

The disk drive starts his way to heaven
The disk drive starts his way to heaven

Shred as shred can or no way to escape the shredder
Shred as shred can or no way to escape the shredder

Tiny bits and pieces
Tiny bits and pieces

SysAdmin Team Leader Wytze showing the final result
SysAdmin Team Leader Wytze showing the final result

Photos by Hans Van de Looy, Assurer

New Legislation for CAcert Inc.

As we know, CAcert Inc. is incorporated in NSW, Australia under the Association Incorporation Act 1984. That Act has now been updated to the Association Incorporation Act 2009, which is expected to come into effect during late 2009. Once in effect, the new Act will apply automatically, which means that any changes required will have to be aligned with our rules.

For CAcert Inc. the most significant change, among other changes is, that three (3) committee members (CAcert Board) will have to reside in Australia. Other relevant changes will come into effect as well. This gives us tasks: to evaluate consequences for CAcert Inc. and for members, and propose any changes required at a General Meeting.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) – Phishing protection

DKIM is a standard for answering the old security question ‘is this email really from the author?’. As the DKIM related standard Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP) just got approved it is timely tell you about it.

DKIM, like PGP and S/MIME signatures, answers this question DKIM using a digital signature of the email content. DKIM differs by making it more conducive to sign and verify the validity of the email at the email gateway and, just as importantly, signs email headers.

This is a fairly effective way of making it possible for the receiving email server to validate whether an email was sent through an email server under the control of the author’s domain. The author domain can through ADSP DNS records advice the receiving server that it signs all email and encourages that the receiver to discard email that is unsigned or has a broken DKIM signature.

As DKIM ADSP validation is based off the From: email which is effective in protecting users from phishing and social engineering attacks with a correct From: address. DKIM is not effective in preventing spam as any spammer can DKIM sign emails with their own domain.

To reap the benefits of DKIM you will need to deploy a DKIM signing and verifying product or service on your email gateways and follow the deployment guide.

CAcert has been signing personal emails and some email list emails for over a year and is moving to sign all automated emails before deploying a ADSP DNS record. DKIM Email validation as been occurring for also over a year without any problems.

Learn from each other

Free and/or Open Source projects are about sharing and learning from others as well. An inspiring example is Lydias proposal of a Social Media Guide [1], giving an practical introduction. Have a look at it, read and learn about social media and get inspired for the benefit of CAcert and the Free and/or Open Source Community.


quick reboot on Friday

Wytze writes: In order to install a kernel security update on the CAcert webdb server it needs to be rebooted. We are scheduling this reboot to take place on August 21 around 10:00 CEST (08:00 UTC). The expected downtime is around 5 minutes.

Signing server outage [solved]

Friday August 14, 2009 19:15 CEST both the webserver and the signing server suffered from a short power glitch. Due to this power glitch both servers performed a spontaneous reboot. After a reboot both servers will wait for manual input, as a critical server engineer has to enter the decryption-password. The webserver can be managed remotely, this server was operational again Friday at 22:15 CEST.
The signing server cannot be managed remotely. In order to restart the signing server a visit has been made to the hosting center this morning. The signing server is operational again since Saturday Aug 15 10:30 CEST.

No other servers were involved. The signing server will be replaced with new hardware (with a dual power supply) within a few weeks, the new server is currently under test.

Null-stuffing attack on SSL certificates

There is much news lately about the Null-Stuffing attack to SSL presented at BlackHat by Dan Kaminsky, Len Sassaman and Moxie Marlinspike. Quick answer: Our current assessment is that we were “probably not” vulnerable to this particular attack.

Bug: there is a theoretical possibility to create a certificate for example:

A CA might check the domain, and end up accepting a POSITIVE on the second part only. Meanwhile, a browser might show the first part, because it is written to stop processing when it sees the NULL . This is because NULLs are special characters that might be interpreted as the end of string, or might not be, and a browser might mistake it one way while a CA another way.

Analysis: At one level this is “just” input validation, and both browsers and CAs should reject immediately. At another level, the code that manages this input is very complicated, because of the way certificates are built. Too many standards, layouts, encodings. Hence the comments by many that this bug is actually indicative of systemic weaknesses in SSL. Technically, implementing SSL properly means this isn’t possible, but the system is so complex that it isn’t easy to rule out these sorts of issues. But, we don’t win anything if we pass the blame onto someone else, because we’ve still got the bug. Basic technical conclusion is that we need to check our inputs carefully, and hope that others do the same.

CAcert. So where are we at? Is CAcert vulnerable? This boils down to whether CAcert can issue a certificate with a NULL stuffed into a domain name. Which is in two parts: adding a domain name to your account, and sending in a request for a certificate (CSR). Investigations are on-going, but here is a status update:

  • Adding domain names is now covered with a quick fix that was patched in Friday.
  • CSRs were already being filtered on NULLs, so someone was alert back in the earlier years!

What is outstanding is checking that the database copy of the domain name is used instead of the CSR, and scanning the database for any NULLs. It’s still not entirely clear if there was a way to sneak a NULL through before that patch in, but it’s covered now. This work is ongoing, and updates will be reported here.