Category Archives: News

News Relating to CAcert

Les fabricants de navigateurs ramènent la durée de vie des certificats à un an

À partir de septembre, les certificats HTTPS ne peuvent être délivrés que pour une durée maximale d’un an.

CAcert adaptera ses certificats

Temps de lecture: 1 min.

La validité maximale des certificats pour la preuve d’identité sur le Web est encore réduite – dans l’étape suivante à un an. Un vote à ce sujet au sein du CA/Browser Forum en septembre a échoué en raison de la résistance des autorités de certification. Mais en mars, Apple s’est manifesté et a déclaré que Safari n’acceptera les certificats émis après le 1er septembre 2020 que s’ils ne sont pas valables plus d’un an.

Aujourd’hui, Mozilla et Google suivent le mouvement et créent des faits. Dans le passé, des mandats de 5 ans n’étaient pas inhabituels. Actuellement, les certificats peuvent encore être délivrés pour 2 ans (plus précisément : 825 jours — c’est-à-dire plus un certain délai de grâce). Avec le nouveau resserrement, Chrome, par exemple, délivre un ERR_CERT_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG si un certificat a été délivré après le 1er septembre 2020 et est valable plus de 398 jours.

Révocation cassée

La principale raison de la réduction constante de la durée de vie des certificats est le fait qu’il n’existe pas de mécanisme de révocation généralement opérationnel permettant de révoquer un certificat. Les listes de révocation (CRL) et le protocole OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) se sont révélés inadaptés et sont désormais désactivés par défaut.

Les fabricants de navigateurs tiennent toujours leurs propres listes de révocation internes, qu’ils peuvent utiliser pour réagir à des incidents graves. Mais il s’agit d’une procédure quasi manuelle qui ne peut couvrir que les cas problématiques importants. En fin de compte, les fabricants de navigateurs se concentrent maintenant sur la limitation des dommages: si, par exemple, la clé secrète d’un certificat est volée, une date d’expiration qui approche le plus tôt possible devrait résoudre le problème.

Pas de nécessité d’action pour les utilisateurs

Lets Encrypt, qui domine entre-temps le marché, est le pionnier et ne délivre de toute façon des certificats que pour 3 mois. Le renouvellement est ensuite automatisé via ACME. Selon Mozilla, cependant, les autres autorités de certification ont également accepté de ne délivrer des certificats que pour 398 jours à partir du 1er septembre. Compte tenu de la démonstration de puissance des fabricants de navigateurs, ils n’ont probablement pas beaucoup de choix.

En tant qu’exploitant de site web, vous n’avez rien d’autre à faire – même si vous disposez toujours d’un certificat d’une durée de validité plus longue en service. La nouvelle règle ne s’applique qu’aux certificats délivrés après le 1er septembre 2020.

Screenshot of

Recent infrastructure updates

In the past few weeks Dirk Astrath and me upgraded some of our infrastructure systems to Debian Buster and implemented some performance improvements.

The blog system you are just visiting is one of these systems. We also upgraded the wiki system and finished the setup of the new community Webmail system.

The old staff list and community email password reset pages have been replaced with a modern system that is now available at

The git code hosting system at has been upgraded to Debian Buster too and has been switched from gitweb to cgit for the git web frontend for much better performance. The old gitweb URLs are automatically redirected to the new cgit URLs. This change has the positive side effect that you can now use git clone directly using the https-URLs of the git repositories.

In the background we added Puppet configuration management for the above mentioned systems and replaced the aged nrpe-based monitoring with Icinga 2 agents.

We setup a new community start page at that leads you to resources that we think is relevant for our community members.

Technical problems with signer machine

We have a problem with the signer machine, certificates are currently not created.

There is no way to access the signer machine via internet, to make sure that the machine can not be hacked, so a personal visit to the data center will be necessary to check the machine and get it running again.

Sadly the current Covid-19 pandemy makes travelling to the data center very difficult, so we have no way to fix this problem soon! I’m afraid that it may take several weeks till we get access to the machine and find out the reason for this problem.

Update: Currently we hope that we will be able to make the visit to the data center around easter weekend.

Of course this depends on other developments we have no influence on. For example further restrictions to travelling or intra-EU border crossing may prevent this visit.

Update: In case you can’t access or currently due to the expired certificate, you may reset the HSTS-status in Chrome:

Open chrome://net-internals/#hsts and delete and settings there. Accessing will then give you a warning about the expired certificate, but you’ll then be able to continue.

Update: A visit at the datacenter is planned for 2020-05-04 to enable the signer again as well as additional administration tasks on other hardware.

Update: All services are normal again, see new blog post.

Change in the Committee

Frédéric Grither from France has resigned as treasurer of CAcert Inc. However, he will continue to offer his expertise and experience as a member of the CAcert finance team. On 13 February 2020, the Committee (Board) was able to fill the vacancy by electing Christophe Meesters from Belgium to the Committee. Christophe is a proven financial expert.

Bret Watson from Australia is now also supporting us in the finance team, particularly with regard to Australian issues. The board is very grateful to know that the finances of our fellowship are in good hands and that we have managed to spread the work over several shoulders.

European Data Protection Day and Data Privacy Day

Today we celebrate the European Data Protection Day founded by the Council of Europe (CoE) and the Data Privacy Day in the United States and Canada. We want to raise awareness of data protection and the right to privacy. At CAcert we provide you digital certificates with which you can protect your private data for example by encrypting your mails. To use them you must offer CAcert some of your data, but in order to protect your privacy, we ask you for fewest data possible and we have strict rules how to handle personal data.

Feel secured with CAcert and choose “I have nothing to hide … except for my privacy.”

CAcert Event in Staffordshire – 11th Feb 2020

CAcert Event in Staffordshire - 11th Feb 2020 at Keele University

CAcert Event in Staffordshire – 11th Feb 2020, 7pm

Good news: There will be a CAcert event in the United Kingdom!

The CAcert event will be on the 11th February 2020. The main talk will begin at 7pm, the doors will be open for earlier arrivals from 6pm onwards.

The CAcert Event will be at the StaffsLUG Workshop, Internet Central, Innovation Centre, Keele Science Park, ST5 5NB, Newcastle-under-Lyme/Stoke-on-Trent, which you can find details (and maps of) of at this URL:

All users of any OS are welcome to come along! Disregard the fact that StaffsLUG are helping to host it!

You should be able to find details of the event at this other URL which is our calendar:

But essentially it’ll cover…

  • An introduction to CAcert from one of their UK volunteers Alex.
  • We’ll also cover SSL in general for anyone unfamiliar.
  • Time for assurances (for free certificates with CAcert, you’ll need this), to participate in this you’ll need to bring some form of ID as mentioned here (e.g. Passport and Driving License).
  • We’re being joined by people from CAcert and existing users of CAcert who’ll be able to help issue points during the assurance part.

If anyone has any further thoughts about things we should be considering for the event and/or things you like to see covered. Let us know! For the latest details, see our UK mailing list:

New Committee constituted

The constituent meeting of the comittee took place on December, 23rd 2019. At this meeting, Sascha T was given a warm welcome. Furthermore, strategic issues were discussed and offices were allocated within the board.

Brian M will remain president, Peter N vice president and Etienne R secretary. The office of treasurer will be filled definitively in the coming weeks.

Deutsch: Am 23. Dezember 2019 hat die konstituierende Sitzung des Vorstandes stattgefunden. Dabei wurden strategische Fragen erörtert und die Ämter innerhalb des Vorstandes verteilt.

Français: La réunion constitutive du comité a eu lieu le 23 décembre 2019. Lors de cette réunion, des questions stratégiques ont été discutées et des bureaux ont été attribués au sein du comité.

Deutschland ist wieder im CAcert-Vorstand vertreten

An der Generalversammlung wurde die Jahresrechnung 2018/19 genehmigt und der Vorstand im Amt bestätigt. Infolge Rücktritt konnte ein Sitz neu besetzt werden. Mit Sascha T ist Deutschland wieder im Vorstand vertreten. Das macht durchaus Sinn, ist doch die CAcert-Gemeinschaft in diesem Land sehr stark.

English: At the General Meeting, the annual accounts for 2018/19 were approved and the committee was confirmed in office. As a result of resignations, one seat could be newly filled. With Sascha T, Germany is again represented on the board again. This makes sense, as the CAcert community is very strong in this country.

General Meeting 2019 – save the date!

CAcert’s Annual General Meeting 2019 will be held on Saturday, 30. November 2019, 20:00 UTC = Sat 21:00 Central Europe* = Sat 15:00 NY* = Sun 07:00 Sydney*…..

20:00 GMT / 20:00 UTC / 21:00 CET (Berlin/Zurich) / 15:00 EDT (New York) / Sun 1.12.2019 07:00 AEDT (Sydney)

Further information will follow.


Thank you so much!

Our treasurer tries to owe donations personally. Now we have learned from our German support association secure-U e.V. that many European CAcert supporters have made use of the possibility to transfer donations directly to their bank account. Also a big thank you to all these donors, even if we don’t know them by name!