Tag Archives: Information

Client certificate login temporarily not possible

Today we had been informed about an issue with client certificates issued on or after December 20, 2023 being used for login to www.cacert.org.

We did immediately switched off the login to www.CAcert.org for investigation.

We just activated the Username/Password-Login again, but keep the certificate login closed until the issue is resolved.

We will give an update with more details and plan to active certificate login again as soon as the issue is fixed.

Destroying the CAP form

The standard CAP form contains a clause that you may destroy the forms after the seven year period of safekeeping. This is usually interpreted that you must destroy them in a “reasonable time” (one year as a rule of thumb) after the safekeeping period has expired “unless ordered otherwise by an Arbitrator”.

Though there are no official policies about this, some Arbitration rulings, especially a20090328.1 and the follow up a20090618.3, point in this direction. (source: Assurance Handbook)

CAcert appoints internal auditor

[German version below]

CAcert gets down to business to the next step for reopening the audit process and has appointed Benedikt Heintel as internal auditor in last december. The goal is the acceptance of CAcert as trustworthy certificate authority. Benedikt Heintel cares for the compliance of internal process flows with the rules and thereby for the reliability and trustworthiness of the CA overall. With the beginning of this year Benedikt Heintel has started with the first checks within the scope of the internal audit.
Quite a while ago CAcert has appointed co-auditors who check the quality of CAcerts’ web-of-trust with which identities of persons are verified. With this check co-auditors do the preliminary work for the internal auditor. These to different subject areas are the basis of CAcert and its secure certificates.


[German version]

CAcert macht Ernst mit dem nächsten Schritt zur Wiederaufnahme des Audit-Verfahrens und hat im vergangenen Dezember Benedikt Heintel als internen Auditor ernannt. Ziel ist die Anerkennung von CAcert als vertrauenswürdige Zertifizierungsstelle. Benedikt Heintel kümmert sich um die Einhaltung sauberer Prozessabläufe bei CAcert und damit um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit der Arbeit der CA insgesamt. Anfang des Jahres hat er mit den ersten Überprüfungen im Rahmen des internen Audits begonnen.
Vor geraumer Zeit hatte CAcert bereits Co-Auditoren ernannt, die das CAcert-Web-of-Trust prüfen, mit dem die Identität von Personen sichergestellt wird und dem internen Auditor auf diese Weise zuarbeiten. Diese zwei unterschiedlichen Themen machen zusammen erst CAcert und seine sicheren Zertifikate aus.


FrOSCon 2011 in St. Augustin 20./21. August 2011

For the English version see below.

Auch in diesem Jahr wird CAcert wieder auf der FrOSCon am 20. und 21. August in St. Augustin mit einem Stand vertreten sein.
Des Weiteren wird es in Zusammenarbeit mit OpenOffice einen Vortrag zum Thema “Signieren von OpenOffice-Dokumenten” geben.
Sprecht uns auf dem Stand an, um zu erfahren, welche Aktivitäten zur Zeit bei CAcert durchgeführt und geplant sind.
Mehr unter http://wiki.cacert.org/events/FrOSCon2011

CAcert will be present again with a booth on the FrOSCon in St. Augustin 20th/21st August.
Further more there will be a speech about “Signing of OpenOffice documents” together with OenOffice.
Feel free to come along and ask us what CAcert is doing at the moment and what are the plans for the near future. More see http://wiki.cacert.org/events/FrOSCon2011