An E-ID for the heart of Europe?

The so-called E-ID is a state-controlled but privately operated central login with proof of identity for communication with private and state agencies. Should it be state-controlled or private or a mixed form? The new law provides for a mixed form, but the referendum campaign shows that the matter is highly controversial.

Apparently, the law was drafted by the administration during years without consulting experts. Because now experts have called in an open letter to reject the law for technical reasons such as more data economy, decentralised architecture and transparent processes.

The national vote will take place in Switzerland on 7 March 2021.

One thought on “An E-ID for the heart of Europe?

  1. Etienne Ruedin2

    The so-called E-ID as a state-controlled but privately operated central login with proof of identity for communication with private and state agencies in Switzerland was rejected by the population with 984’611 Yes (35.6%) and 1’778’014 No (64.4%) by a participation of 51.3% of the population. Non of the cantons (0/26) has accepted the propositions.

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