You are a hero, you want to support your #CAcert #community during the #Spring #Offensive. You are willing to care at one of 72 small tasks that have been waiting to be completed for months. That is how to deal with the bug tracker: It is described in simple words at
Category Archives: Information
Cómo ayudar a CAcert
Eres un héroe, quieres apoyar a tu #comunidad #CAcert durante la #Ofensiva #Primavera. Estás dispuesto a ocuparte de una de las 72 pequeñas tareas que llevan meses esperando a ser completadas. Así es como se trata el bug tracker: Se describe en palabras sencillas en
This is the CACert Spring Offensive
This is the #Spring #Offensive: All those who not need to finish ongoing work are hereby invited to #participate in the Spring Offensive: Pick up just one of 72 small tasks that have been waiting to be completed for months or even years. Be one of 72 #heroes who take a handhold and thus bring #CAcert a big step forward!
Voici l’offensive du printemps de CACert
C’est l’#Offensive de printemps: Tous ceux qui n’ont pas besoin de terminer un travail en cours sont invités à #participer à l’Offensive de printemps: Prenez une seule des 72 petites tâches qui attendent d’être achevées depuis des mois, voire des années. Soyez l’un des 72 #héros qui prennent la main et font ainsi avancer #CAcert d’un grand pas!
The CAcert Spring Offensive
The sun is shining, the tulips and daffodils are blooming in the garden or on the balcony, the birds are chirping again: it’s spring, the world has awoken from hibernation! You are full of #energy, full of zest for action. You want to #strengthen your #community. Welcome to the #CAcert #spring #offensive!
CAcert Frühlingsoffensive
Die Sonne scheint, die Tulpen und Narzissen blühen im Garten oder auf dem Balkon, die Vögel zwitschern wieder: Es ist Frühling, die Welt ist aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht! Du bist voller Energie, voller Tatendrang. Du willst deine Gemeinschaft stärken. Willkommen bei der Frühlingsoffensive von #CAcert!
Behind the scenes …
… we’ve just activated our own OCSP-resolver on our new arm64-servers.
This sounds a little bit unspectacular, but it’s a big milestone while replacing hard- and software within our environment as the old OCSP-resolver-software could not be ported to a recent debian and arm64-environment.
All other critical services (like Nameserver and CRL-Serving) were already moved successfully to our new power-saving machines (2 Raspberry Pi4) in the last weeks/months. OCSP needed some development and testing.
The virtual machines in the old environment are now stopped, within the next days the (power-consuming) sun3-server will then get it’s final shutdown and will be removed from CAcert-Rack during the next visit at the datacenter.
Our main website and signer-software will still be kept running on dedicated servers.
Upcoming Changes for
Today we switched the connection to our main website as a preparation for a “bigger” change. Unfortunately this (temporary) change is not IPv6-capable, so only IPv4 is working currently.
Over the weekend we plan to move to another server for a more recent environment and add a second firewall to our rack. During this server-transition you may face some issues while using, after the weekend the services should be normal again.
Early next week we’ll enable IPv6 again for our main website (maybe by using a new IPv6-Address, but that’s not yet decided).
All other services (like blog/wiki/bugs/…) should remain active as usual as there is currently no planned update.
Froscon 2022
Die FrOSCon (FRee and Open Source CONference) ist eine jährlich stattfindende Konferenz, die von der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg und dem FrOSCon e.V. organisiert wird. Die FrOSCon bietet eine Vielzahl von Vorträgen und Workshops zu freier und Open Source Software. Die Veranstaltung findet seit 2006 regelmäßig Ende August statt. Eine große Bandbreite an Referenten verspricht zwei spannende Tage. Die Organisation wird ausschließlich von Freiwilligen übernommen.
Selbstverständlich ist auch CAcert bei der Froscon 2022 mit dabei. Wenn du während einiger Zeit mithilfst, zusammen mit unserem Event-Team den CAcert-Stand zu betreuen, bekommst du natürlich eine Aussteller-Badge und damit auch Zugang zum VIP-Bereich. Bitte melde dich bei für eine Teilnahme.
Nameserver-Changes for -update-
Update: Nameserver-transition is currently finished, new DNSSEC-records are set and active. KSK and ZSK were replaced by CSK.
In the ongoing process to update hard- and software we’re moving our main domain to another master-nameserver-machine (with different nameserver-software) within our rack …
As we’re using DNSSEC to secure our domains, we need to update KSK and ZSK-keys for our domains during this progress, too.
Therefore you may face some DNSSEC-errors or issues in resolving within the next days, but this should resolve itself within some hours/days.
As soon as the transition of the nameserver-move is finished, I’ll update this post.
Todo: Give the “old” nameserver-address again (after next hardware-change onsite) so secondary-nameserver can get back to work. ns3 is currently not listed at our registrar, so not active for CAcert-Domains.