C’est l’#Offensive de printemps: Tous ceux qui n’ont pas besoin de terminer un travail en cours sont invités à #participer à l’Offensive de printemps: Prenez une seule des 72 petites tâches qui attendent d’être achevées depuis des mois, voire des années. Soyez l’un des 72 #héros qui prennent la main et font ainsi avancer #CAcert d’un grand pas!
Category Archives: News
The CAcert Spring Offensive
The sun is shining, the tulips and daffodils are blooming in the garden or on the balcony, the birds are chirping again: it’s spring, the world has awoken from hibernation! You are full of #energy, full of zest for action. You want to #strengthen your #community. Welcome to the #CAcert #spring #offensive!
CAcert Frühlingsoffensive
Die Sonne scheint, die Tulpen und Narzissen blühen im Garten oder auf dem Balkon, die Vögel zwitschern wieder: Es ist Frühling, die Welt ist aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht! Du bist voller Energie, voller Tatendrang. Du willst deine Gemeinschaft stärken. Willkommen bei der Frühlingsoffensive von #CAcert!
Prepare the reconstruction of Ukraine now!
DEUTSCH Jetzt den Wiederaufbau der Ukraine vorbereiten! In der Ukraine hatte CAcert vor Kriegsausbruch Assurer in Lemberg und Kiew. Befinnden sich zur Zeit in Ihrer Umgebung ukrainische Flüchtlinge? Dann helfen Sie diesen, Assurer zu werden.
Zum Beispiel indem Sie beim CATS übersetzen. Indem Sie ihnen bei den Assurance beistehen und andere Assurer beiziehen, sich selber assuren lassen.
ENGLISCH Prepare the reconstruction of Ukraine now! In Ukraine, CAcert had assurers in Lviv and Kiev before the outbreak of war. Are there Ukrainian refugees in your area at the moment? Then help them to become assurers. For example, by translating at CATS. By assisting them with the assurances and involving other assurers, or by becoming an assurer yourself.
POLSKI Przygotuj si? do odbudowy Ukrainy ju? teraz! Na Ukrainie CAcert mia? przed wybuchem wojny asesorów we Lwowie i Kijowie. Czy w Twojej okolicy mieszkaj? obecnie uchod?cy z Ukrainy? Nast?pnie pomó? im sta? si? asesorami. Na przyk?ad t?umacz?c w CATS. Pomagaj?c im w uzyskaniu zapewnienia i anga?uj?c innych asekuruj?cych lub samemu staj?c si? asekuratorem.
What will the Post look like in ten years?
Roberto Cirillo has been CEO of Swiss Post for just under two years. Before that, he was a McKinsey consultant, CEO of the British hospital group Optegra and head of the activities of the service company Sodexo in France. Cirillo took up his post with the aim of stopping the downward trend. In the past five years, the Post’s turnover has fallen by around CHF 1 milliard. The volume of letters is decreasing rapidly, the post offices are less and less frequented.
In an interview with the NZZ, he said: “Today, we make more than 90% of our turnover in the logistics sector with business customers. Especially in e-commerce and goods logistics. Of the CHF 3 milliard we plan to invest in the next four years, the majority will go into logistics and communication services. The reason why the Post was created over 170 years ago was not to transport letters. It was the secrecy of letters. It was about transmitting information securely, reliably and trustworthily. That’s what we want to do more of in the digital world as well.” (22.02.2021)
Merry CAcertmas!
Dear friends and members of the CAcert community. Are you curious and want to know what is wrapped in the package under the tree? This year, Father Christmas has packed something really nice.
As always with CAcert, you can unwrap it faster and enjoy it more quickly if you help out a little. Translate a little. Or do a little programming. Or test a few new functions. Or like this. To do so, you find further information on the web or write to our secretary.
Unspectacular General Assembly 2021
The General Assembly of 2021 will go down as the shortest meeting in the history of CAcert. After only one and a half hours, President Brian McCullough was able to close the last agenda item. Kim N from Sweden is a new member of the committee.
Furthermore, the integration of CAcert in OpenIDConnect could be announced, thanks to a cooperation with RIPE NCC for this project.
When Captain CAcert rescues the Notaries of the Round Table
Today we are going on a little journey through time for a current occasion. Are you ready? Then jump into the fountain together with Frog King!
Many, many years ago, when grandmother was still a little girl, it may have been in 1995, a hardworking man named Mark Shuttleworth started a certificate issuing service in his poor parents’ garage, just like CAcert is one.
The name of this service was Thawte. Thawte was a great and important service. It is said that it covered half of the empire at that time. And because he was so old and so wise, he enjoyed some privileges. When Uncle Netscape, the browser, introduced new rules for certificates, Aunt Thawte, considering her age, only had to comply if she wanted to.
Now it was the case in those days that some people would have liked to send letters in an envelope. Good Aunt Thawte said: I have so many envelopes, I will give you some! And everyone who booked a free e-mail address with her got the certificate to wrap the messages as a gift. The Web of Trust was created to ensure that everything was above board and that the big bad wolf didn’t pretend to be one of the seven little goats. There, the letter writers met with the most trustworthy men and women of the entire empire for the knighting.
After the wizard Verisign took over Aunt Thawte’s service in 1999, the Web of Trust’s noble round table was abolished a few years later. Its members were very surprised to be thrown out of the castle just like that, since they had selflessly served the cause as noble knights and notaries.
However, it was a stormy time. And the storm wind blew a big sailing ship with full rigging from New South Wales, a spot of earth on a big island in the middle of the big, wide sea in the New World, across the ocean. Its name was emblazoned in gold letters on the stern: CAcert.
The captain held the wheel with both hands until the ship docked in a safe harbour. Immediately the crew rushed ashore to the desperate notaries and knights of the Thawte Round Table and offered to take them in their ship.
Numerous were those who gratefully accepted this offer, even more so when the captain said that he trusted Aunt Thawte. So it happened that large parts of Thawt’s Web of Trust were integrated into CAcert’s Web of Trust and the Thawte notaries became CAcert assurers. In a special program named Tverfiy, they could have their trust points transferred in 2009. Today, more than a decade later, CAcert is discontinuing the corresponding web site, after a long time since scattered notaries have joined CAcert’s community.
Further reading:
old blog posts from the time
Expanded support
Heat, floods, hurricanes and other unplannable events quickly lead to delays. We are proud that, despite everything, the handover of the keys to support went smoothly yesterday and the new volunteers now have access to the relevant systems to assist the existing team.
On the allegorical picture you can see Joost handing over the access rights to Aleš, Matthias and David. Also present: Critical Admin, President and Secretary.
Deutsch: Support verstärkt
Hitze, Hochwasser, Hurrikane und andere unplanbare Ereignisse führen schnell zu Verzögerungen. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass trotz allem die Schlüsselübergabe beim Support gestern geklappt hat und die neuen freiwilligen Mitarbeiter ab sofort Zugang zu den relevanten Systemen haben, um das bestehende Team zu unterstützen.
Auf dem allegorischen Bild seht ihr Joost, der Aleš, Matthias und David die Zugriffsrechte überreicht. Mit von der Partie: Critical Admin, Präsident und Sekretär.
CAcert Inc with new treasurer
English | Deutsch | Français | Español
There are some good news: The committee of CAcert Inc, the association behind our community, is again complete (picture: before the relocation to Europe). We welcome Michael R from Canada as the new treasurer. He takes over from Frédéric G from France who ran the treasury during a difficult period when Paypal cut us off from our money for months. We thank Frédéric G for his work in the past and look forward to working with Michael.
Newly, several people are taking care of the finances with the finance team. Besides the treasurer, the finance team includes Waclaw from Poland and Frédéric D. On the one hand, the finance team will replace our outdated accounting software. It also wants to unify the structures that have grown over the years. Thirdly, it will support the Board with subsidy applications.
Deutsch Der Trägerverein CAcert Inc hat einen neuen Kassier. Dieser wird in seinen Aufgaben durch das Finanzteam unterstützt. Erste Aufgaben werden sein, unsere veraltete Buchhaltungssoftware zu ersetzen. Ausserdem sollen die über die Jahren gewachsenen Strukturen verschlankt und der Vorstand bei Subventionsgesuchen unterstützt werden.
Français L’association CAcert Inc a un nouveau trésorier. Il sera soutenu dans ses tâches par l’équipe des finances. Les premières tâches consisteront à remplacer notre logiciel de comptabilité obsolète. En outre, les structures qui se sont développées au fil des ans seront rationalisées et le comité sera soutenu dans ses demandes de subventions.
Español La asociación patrocinadora CAcert Inc. tiene un nuevo tesorero. Estará apoyado en sus tareas por el equipo de finanzas. La primera tarea será sustituir nuestro anticuado programa de contabilidad. Además, se racionalizarán las estructuras que han crecido a lo largo de los años y se apoyará al consejo en las solicitudes de subvención.