Tag Archives: AGM

CAcert mit schlankeren Strukturen in die Zukunft

An seiner Jahresversammlung haben die Mitglieder von CAcert Inc, dem Trägerverein der CAcert-Gemeinschaft beschlossen die Strukturen den heutigen Begebenheiten anzupassen. Da seit dem Umzug nach Europa keine nationalen Mindestzahlen im Vorstand mehr vorgeschrieben sind, wurde der Vorstand auf fünf Mitglieder reduziert. Die Mitglieder sind überzeugt, dass diese schlankeren Strukturen den Ansprüchen der Zukunft besser gerecht werden.

CAcert schaut allgemein auf ein sehr erfolgreiches Jahr zurück. Vereinspräsident Brian McCullough hob zu Beginn der Versammlung drei Punkte speziell hervor:
– Modernisierung des Maschinenparks im Rechenzentrum mit eindrücklicher Senkung des Stromverbrauchs
– CAcert Community Centre als einfaches Selbstbedienungs-Portal, unter anderem zur Zertifikatserstellung
– Eine spannende Entwicklung war die Fertigstellung der ersten Version des CAcert OpenID Connect-Werkzeugs, mit dem sich unsere Mitglieder mit ihren Client-Zertifikaten bei verschiedenen anderen Diensten anmelden können, ohne Passwörter zu verwenden.

Aus dem Vorstand verabschiedet haben sich zwei langjährige Mitstreiter: Frédéric Grither war zweieinhalb Jahre Kassier und nach einem Unterbruch noch ein weiteres Jahr in dieser Funktion tätig. Frédéric Dumas war sechs Jahre im Vorstand und ist auch als Freiwilliger aktiv. Unter anderem hat er das zukunftsträchtige OpenID Connect-Projekt aufgegleist.

CAcert betreibt seit über 20 Jahren die freie Zertifikats-Ausgabestelle cacert.org, welche freie X.509-Client-Zertifikate ausgibt, welche über das Web of Trust abgesichert sind.
CAcert Zertifikats-Ausgabestelle: https://www.cacert.org
CAcert Selbstbedienungs-Portal: https://community.cacert.org

CAcert Inc with leaner structures into the future

At its annual meeting, the members of CAcert Inc, the association that supports the CAcert community, decided to adapt its structures to current circumstances. Since CAcert moved its base to Europe, there is no longer an Australian government reqirement for a certain number of Australian Committee Members, and so the number of Committee Members has been returned to our original number, five. The members are convinced that these leaner structures will better meet the demands of the future.

CAcert can generally look back on a very successful year. President Brian McCullough emphasised three points in particular at the beginning of the meeting:
– Modernisation of machinery in the data centre with an impressive reduction in power consumption.
– CAcert Community Centre as a simple self-service portal, including for creating certificates.
– An exciting development was the completion of a first version of the CAcert OpenID Connect tool, allowing the CAcert members to use their Client Certificates to log in to various other services without using passwords.

Two long-standing members have left the committee of the association: Frédéric Grither was Treasurer for two and a half years and, after an interruption, continued in this role for another year. Frédéric Dumas was on the committee for six years and is also active as a volunteer. Among other things, he initiated the promising OpenID Connect project.

CAcert has been operating the free certificate authority cacert.org, which issues free X.509 client certificates that are secured via the Web of Trust, exclusively with volunteers for over 20 years.
CAcert Certificate Authority: https://www.cacert.org
CAcert Community Centre: https://community.cacert.org

New drive for CAcert Inc

At the Annual General Meeting 2022/2023 of our Geneva based operating association CAcert Inc on November, 11th, 2023, the members of CAcert Inc elected a new committee (also known as “board”). Some familiar faces are still involved, complemented by new blood from Bohemia. We can announce the constitution at the beginning of December.

Unspectacular General Assembly 2021

The General Assembly of 2021 will go down as the shortest meeting in the history of CAcert. After only one and a half hours, President Brian McCullough was able to close the last agenda item. Kim N from Sweden is a new member of the committee.

Furthermore, the integration of CAcert in OpenIDConnect could be announced, thanks to a cooperation with RIPE NCC for this project.

Deutschland ist wieder im CAcert-Vorstand vertreten

An der Generalversammlung wurde die Jahresrechnung 2018/19 genehmigt und der Vorstand im Amt bestätigt. Infolge Rücktritt konnte ein Sitz neu besetzt werden. Mit Sascha T ist Deutschland wieder im Vorstand vertreten. Das macht durchaus Sinn, ist doch die CAcert-Gemeinschaft in diesem Land sehr stark.

English: At the General Meeting, the annual accounts for 2018/19 were approved and the committee was confirmed in office. As a result of resignations, one seat could be newly filled. With Sascha T, Germany is again represented on the board again. This makes sense, as the CAcert community is very strong in this country.

General Meeting 2019 – save the date!

CAcert’s Annual General Meeting 2019 will be held on Saturday, 30. November 2019, 20:00 UTC = Sat 21:00 Central Europe* = Sat 15:00 NY* = Sun 07:00 Sydney*…..

20:00 GMT / 20:00 UTC / 21:00 CET (Berlin/Zurich) / 15:00 EDT (New York) / Sun 1.12.2019 07:00 AEDT (Sydney)

Further information will follow.

see https://wiki.cacert.org/AGM/Next

Welcome to Sydney

We wish a warm welcome to all our members to Sydney, New South Wales to our Annual General Meeting. It will be on Sat, 20 Oct 2018 07:00 @Sydney. For booking your journey, please consider our partner, booking.com

You can attend the Meeting from around the globe on IRC. Please, save the date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018, 20:00 UTC / 22:00 @Geneva / 16:00 @New York. If you are a member of the community, but not yet of the association, why not become a member now?

Bienvenue à Sydney, Nouvelle Galles de Sud pour l’Assemblé générale 2018 le vendredi 19 octobre 2018 à 22:00 heures de Paris. Pour vos déplacements, veuillez voyager avec notre partenaire booking.com Si vous êtes un membre de la communauté, mais mas encore de l’association, cela sera l’occasion de le devenir jusqu’en octobre!

Willkommen in Sydney zur diesjährigen Generalversammlung. Sie findet am Freitag, 19. Oktober um 22:00 Schweizer/Deutsche/Liechtensteinische/Österreichische/Südtiroler Zeit statt. Sie sie Mitglied der CAcert-Gemeinschaft, aber noch nicht des Trägervereins? Dann werden Sie es jetzt! (Auch wenn Sie in den IRC-Kanal kommen, um nicht ans andere Ende der Welt zu fliegen, gibt es immer wieder Gelegenheiten, eine Reise bei unserem Partner booking.com zu buchen.)

New Board of Directors constituted

After the election of the new board on 2011-11-27 on the Annual General Meeting the new board has now constituted itself. Due to the fact that not enough australian board members were elected a Sub Committee was set up according to CAcert Inc. rules.

The current CAcert Inc. Committee – the Board of Directors – consists of

  • Piers Lauder, AU, President
  • Dirk Astrath, DE, Vice President
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US, Treasurer
  • Tomáš Trnka, CZ, Secretary
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL, member
  • Ian Grigg, AU, member
  • Kevin Dawson, AU, member

The CAcert Inc. Sub Committee consists of all the members of the CAcert Inc. Committee including the elected members

  • Michael Tänzer, DE, member
  • Werner Dworak, DE, member

Both are supporting the Board of Directors, participate in decisions and carry motions.

Kevin Dawson was appointed as Public Officer. He is the Association representative at the Australian Office of Fair Trading and is the co-acting Treasurer on behalf of CAcert Inc. President.

CAcert AGM and New Board, Rules changes accepted

On 2011-11-27 CAcert held its Annual General Meeting. Minutes will be published soon on the wiki.

A new board was elected. We are happy to announce the new CAcert board

  • Piers Lauder, AU
  • Dirk Astrath, DE
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US
  • Michael Tänzer, DE
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL
  • Werner Dworak, DE
  • Tomas Trnka, CZ

During the AGM CAcert’s annual report and the financial report was presented and accepted by the membership. It shows many things happened at CAcert during the last year and is worth reading to get an impression of CAcert’s progress during the last time.

During the AGM, 3 special resolutions were presented, first to bring CAcert Inc rules in compliance with Association Act 2009 and 2 more rules changes, that fixed a minor bug. The rule changes have been accepted in a strong concensus.

A big thank you to all people volunteering and helping to achieve this successful result. CAcert is dependent on many volunteers and is looking forward for your help to achieve such a good result for the coming year.

CAcert AGM, New Board and Annual Report

On 2010-01-30 CAcert held its Annual General Meeting. Minutes will be published soon on the wiki.

A new board was elected and positions were assigned during 2010-02-02 board meeting. We are happy to announce the new CAcert board formed by

  • Lambert Hofstra (President)
  • Daniel Black (Vice President)
  • Ernestine Schwob (Treasurer)
  • Mark Lipscombe (Secretary and continuing as Public Officer)
  • Nick Bebout (Member)
  • Mario Lipinski (Member)
  • Ian Grigg (Member)

During the AGM CAcert’s annual report (PDF) was presented and accepted by the membership. It shows many things happened at CAcert during the last year and is worth reading to get an impression of CAcert’s progress during the last time.

A big thank you to all people volunteering and helping to achieve this successful result. CAcert is dependent on many volunteers and is looking forward for your help to achieve such a good result for the coming year.