Tag Archives: digital signature

Cryptography, digital signature or data integrity – any ideas?

The PR team is working on creating new public relation material. One of the projects is to have new rollups and posters for events.basic layout for event rollup
The idea is to have a set of themes / designs to visualize the topics in one picture / drawing each:
– cryptography
– digital signature
– data integrity

The size of your picture should be max. width 70cm / 26.6″ and height 120cm / 47.2″.
See the basic layout for the rollup on the right.

If you have any ideas please send them preferably as svg, png, or jpg to pr@cacert.org licenced as CC-BY-SA until 2015-04-06.

Natural gas industry accepts CAcert / Gas-Industrie setzt auf CAcert

[German version below]
CAcert is now officially accepted by the Edig@s work group as a trusted
Certificate Authority (CA) for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). This
acceptance provides the basis to exchange messages securely between
companies utilizing CAcert issued certificates.
Edig@s is the official standard for the grid gas business that covers more than
99% of all western European gas deliveries. It validates the authenticity and
the binding character of the contract.
The open CA CAcert offers free advanced electronic signatures for corporate
and private use. This makes the usage of CAcert certificates interesting also for
small businesses.

Press release for download

[German Version]
Die Arbeitsgruppe Edig@s der europäischen Gasversorger hat CAcert offiziell
als Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) für den Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
zugelassen. Die Zulassung gilt als Grundlage für die Verwendung von durch
CAcert ausgestellten Signaturen im rechtsgültigen geschäftlichen Verkehr.
Edig@s ist der gültige Standard für das Ferngasgeschäft, über den 99% aller
internationalen Gaslieferungen in Westeuropa abgewickelt werden. Er
garantiert die Authentizität und Verbindlichkeit der getätigten Geschäfte.
Die offene CA CAcert bietet kostenfreie fortgeschrittene Signaturen für
Unternehmen und Privatpersonen an. Das macht die Verwendung von CAcert-
Signaturen auch für kleine Unternehmen interessant.

Pressemitteilung zum Download

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) – Phishing protection

DKIM is a standard for answering the old security question ‘is this email really from the author?’. As the DKIM related standard Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP) just got approved it is timely tell you about it.

DKIM, like PGP and S/MIME signatures, answers this question DKIM using a digital signature of the email content. DKIM differs by making it more conducive to sign and verify the validity of the email at the email gateway and, just as importantly, signs email headers.

This is a fairly effective way of making it possible for the receiving email server to validate whether an email was sent through an email server under the control of the author’s domain. The author domain can through ADSP DNS records advice the receiving server that it signs all email and encourages that the receiver to discard email that is unsigned or has a broken DKIM signature.

As DKIM ADSP validation is based off the From: email which is effective in protecting users from phishing and social engineering attacks with a correct From: address. DKIM is not effective in preventing spam as any spammer can DKIM sign emails with their own domain.

To reap the benefits of DKIM you will need to deploy a DKIM signing and verifying product or service on your email gateways and follow the deployment guide.

CAcert has been signing personal emails and some email list emails for over a year and is moving to sign all automated emails before deploying a ADSP DNS record. DKIM Email validation as been occurring for also over a year without any problems.