Is there anything at all at CAcert apart from bug reports? Over the past few months, CAcert volunteers have been very busy behind the scenes and soon CAcert will have a third leg to stand on. Let our volunteers show and explain it to you personally: Just across the Rhine near Cologne-Bonn at FrOScon.
Author Archives: Etienne Ruedin
Une révolution s’annonce le 14 juillet
A l’occasion de ce 14 juillet, CAcert a l’honneur d’annoncer par cette voie une nouveauté à tous les membres français et francophones de la communauté CAcert. Nos bénévoles se feront un plaisir de vous le montrer et de vous l’expliquer personnellement: Juste de l’autre côté du Rhin, près de Cologne-Bonn, à la FrOScon.
Certificates renewing pending will end soon
Several tried to renew their certificates in the last days, but it is still pending. We are aware of this issue.
There is a need for a physical update of a cable. A volunteer is traveling to the data centre this week-end to do that. You will have to be patient until then. We are terribly sorry.
Last chance, hurry up, catch your review!
Dear friend of #CAcert, here comes the last #bugs that needs a #review. We are so glad, that you are willing to #help you #community and review only one of them during the #spring #offensive.
We published all ready 12 bugs for review earlyer today in this channel. Maybe, you find a more conviniant one there?
Papillon, vient voir les bugs
Qu’est-ce qu’une #revue par rapport à la résolution d’un problème? Vole comme un papillon sur l’une de nos fleurs de bug et regarde le code. Voici la troisième série de quatre, si tu ne trouves rien qui te convienne pour participer à l’offensive #CAcert du printemps, nous t’en fournirons quatre autres dans quelques heures ou regarde les huit premiers, publiés il y a quelques heures.
This are new links, number 9-12:
Join the CAcert Spring Offensive
What’s a #review compared to solving a problem? Flutter like a butterfly on one of our bug flowers and check out the code. Here are the second four, if you don’t find anything suitable for you to join the #CAcert spring offensive, we’ll give you four more in a few hours.
Nothing that fits you? Have a look to the first four links we published two hours ago in the german post.
Mach es wie die Schmetterlinge
Was ist schon eine #Review im Vergleich dazu, ein Problem zu lösen? Flattere wie ein Schmetterling auf eine unserer Bug-Blumen und Schau dir den Code an. Hier sind die vier ersten, wenn du nichts für dich passendes findest, um bei der #CAcert Frühlings Offensive mitzumachen, reichen wir dir in einigen Stunden vier weitere nach.
Spring Offensive, second part
Here comes the next batch of our 72 #CAcert mini tasks. Choose your favourite. Can you manage to solve one by summer?
Pick up your favorite small task
In the #CAcert #Spring #Offensive we have three small tasks to test whether a problem has really been solved. Look here: Which of the three tests are you doing?
Schnapp dir deine Lieblingsaufgabe
Bei der #CAcert #FrühlingsOffensive haben wir drei kleine Aufgaben, bei denen getestet werden soll, ob ein Problem wirklich gelöst worden ist. Schau hier: Welchen der drei Test führst du durch?