Category Archives: Information

General news/information to the CAcert community or about security in general

ATE-Leipzig, 10. April 2012

Am Dienstag, 10. April 2012 (Dienstag nach Ostern) findet in der Uni Leipzig das nächste ATE statt.

  • Was hast du auf dem CAP Formular hinzuzufügen, wenn du Minderjährige überprüfst ?
  • Warum solltest du dir die 3 Buchstaben: R/L/O einprägen ?
  • Wie verhälst du dich, wenn du ein fremdes Ausweis Dokument zum erste mal prüfst ?

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Maintenance / Changes infrastructure

[Update: finished.] I will begin with the work now 2012-04-01 00:00 UTC. Infrastructure e.g. email, wiki, blog, lists will be unavailable during the time. The CAcert website along with all critical systems are not “infrastructure” and will not be affected.

I am planning to work on infrastructure again this weekend (2012-03-31) and downtimes may occur. Our host is low on disk space so I need to do some restructuring. A larger downtime may be involved.

Currently, each virtual host has its own logical volume (LVM). They will be consolidated into one. During the move and resizing I think I will not get around shutting down all infrastructure services.

I will send out a notice before I begin the work.
Sorry for any inconvenience.


I am currently continuing the work until 2012-03-26 07:00 UTC. The following services may be effected (the other services have been migrated already):

  • email
  • lists
  • emailout
  • board
  • translingo

I am working on infrastructure systems. During the next 6 hours the following services may be down as they are moved to another server:

* bugs
* irc
* webmail
* wiki
* email
* cats
* lists
* issue
* emailout

The following services have been shut down:

* dupes
* forum
* logging
* paypal
* test2

CAcert at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage

This week-end, March 17/18, CAcert presents itself at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage (CLT). Our booth is on the ground floor, just left behind the information counter.

On the booth we will inform about CAcert and the adoption of digital certificates. Of course we will perform our Assurances – the identity verification for the CAcert Web-of-Trust. For this please bring governmental issued documents like ID card, passport and driving license.

The CLT are an event about Linux and Open-Source for everybody. On the CLT you will find more than 60 community project and company booths. Praxis Dr. Tux will help you regarding Linux installations. Furthermore there will be talks about a variety of topics.

Further information about the presentations on the fair:

Am Wochenende 17./18. März präsentiert sich CAcert auf den Chemnitzer Linux-Tagen (CLT). Unser Stand befindet sich im Erdgeschoss gleich links hinter dem Informationsstand.

Am Stand informieren wir über CAcert und es finden die für das Web of Trust erforderlichen Identitätsüberprüfungen statt. Hierfür erforderlich sind behördlich ausgestellte Dokumente, wie Personalausweis, Reisepass und Führerschein. Gleichzeitig können wir Tipps geben, wie unsere Zertifikate in typische Programme eingebunden werden können.

Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage sind eine Veranstaltung rund um das Thema Linux und Open Source für jedermann. Weitere Informationen über die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage unter

ATE Jena, March 29th 2012

Am Donnerstag, 29. März 2012 findet in der Uni Jena das nächste ATE statt.

  • Was hast du auf dem CAP Formular hinzuzufügen, wenn du Minderjährige überprüfst ?
  • Warum solltest du dir die 3 Buchstaben: R/L/O einprägen ?
  • Wie verhälst du dich, wenn du ein fremdes Ausweis Dokument zum erste mal prüfst ?

Jena Uni Campus
Antworten auf diese und andere Fragen erhaltet ihr auf dem Assurer Training Event.
Bringt geeignete Lichtbildausweise für Assurances mit.

Ein zusätzlicher Hinweis für ehemalige Tverify/Thawte Leute:
Das ATE ist auch eine sehr gute Möglichkeit eure Assurance und Experience Punkte in die Reihe zu bekommen, bevor diese gestrichen werden.

ATE-Jena findet statt:

  • Donnerstag, 29. März, 2012
  • Am Johannisfriedhof 2
  • Universitätsrechenzentrum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
  • Jena
  • 19:00 bis ca. 22:00 Uhr

Registrierung: Ich möchte am ATE-Jena teilnehmen

Vielleicht treffen wir uns ja da.

Mit bestem Gruß vom Events Team!

PS: Kontakt: Events

Weitere Infos im Wiki: ATE Jena im Wiki

Oofroga, a cuddly free mascot

Oophaga logoAnother project with a successful ending.

Early January I asked Birgit to create a cuddly version of the Oophaga logo. After she (quite rightly so) asked about licenses and/or permissions and some talking with an Oophaga representative Birgit could get to work.
For those who don’t know Birgit, she designs and knits cuddly versions of several free mascots. She offers the designs under a CC license on
Oophaga is an organization in the Netherlands that supports CAcert activities.

OofrogaEarly Saturday morning in a cafeteria in Essen (DE) while waiting for the train towards FOSDEM Birgit posted her design for Oofroga. The design can be found & downloaded on

Once arrived at FOSDEM Oofroga was promptly promoted to guard-frog and stationed on a prominent location guarding over the merchandise. To our great joy this lead to NONE of the mugs or shirts being stolen. As well as draw a lot of extra attention to CAcert and providing a conversation subject.

After FOSDEM was over, Oofroga travelled with Mendel to the Netherlands for an extended tour on Dutch events & meetings.

Cloaks on IRC (CAcert IRC network and Freenode IRC network)

I was wanting to see what everyone thought about cloaks on IRC. I am able to set them on the CAcert IRC network to whatever we would like, and as the Freenode CAcert group contact, I can request any cloaks that fit the pattern CAcert/* on Freenode.

Currently we have approximately 5 cloaks on CAcert IRC, and we have 26 CAcert cloaks on Freenode. Most of them are CAcert/Assurer/theirnick, but the problem I’m having is that it’s not really easy to verify if someone is an assurer or not, unless they are listed in the directory and note their IRC nick in there, or unless I can email support and if they would be allowed to tell me if someone is an assurer or not.

Any thoughts on what our policy should be for who can get a cloak, or what format they should be?


ATE Manchester / Crewe, UK – Sat 14th January

Much has happened during recent years. The old way of orally-transmitted procedures has now gone, and our rules have been cast into formal policies. New procedures (e.g. the Assurer Challenge) and obligations (e.g. in the CAcert Community Agreement) have been approved.
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CAcert Polo Shirts (stiched)

CAcert community is producing stiched polo shirts.
There will be a small blue CAcert logo stiched to the left collar and a larger coloured on on the left side of the breast.
The polo shirt will be from Fruit of the Loom in white without a pocket.
It will be available in the sizes M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL.
The price will be 30 EUR each without shipping costs.
Shipping will be around 10 EUR within the EU and 20 EUR to the rest of the world.
We try to find the cheapest shipping method.

To order a polo shirt please send a signed but not crypted email to with your name and postal address as well as the number and sizes of polo shirts you want.

Events and Sponsoring

CAcert will be present on the following events:
January 13th – 15th Blacksburg
January 14th ATE Manchester
February 4th -5th FOSDEM Brussels
February ATE Stockholm scheduled

Along with these events CAcert has lounged an affiliate program with
The affiliate program works as followed. If someone uses the link for from our event pages and he books and uses a hotel, CAcert gets a provision for this booking. The price for the hotel stays the same but you support For more see or on the event pages.

New Board of Directors constituted

After the election of the new board on 2011-11-27 on the Annual General Meeting the new board has now constituted itself. Due to the fact that not enough australian board members were elected a Sub Committee was set up according to CAcert Inc. rules.

The current CAcert Inc. Committee – the Board of Directors – consists of

  • Piers Lauder, AU, President
  • Dirk Astrath, DE, Vice President
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US, Treasurer
  • Tomáš Trnka, CZ, Secretary
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL, member
  • Ian Grigg, AU, member
  • Kevin Dawson, AU, member

The CAcert Inc. Sub Committee consists of all the members of the CAcert Inc. Committee including the elected members

  • Michael Tänzer, DE, member
  • Werner Dworak, DE, member

Both are supporting the Board of Directors, participate in decisions and carry motions.

Kevin Dawson was appointed as Public Officer. He is the Association representative at the Australian Office of Fair Trading and is the co-acting Treasurer on behalf of CAcert Inc. President.