After a recent policy group decision p20100119 Iang updated all the working wiki pages to show our new Policy on Junior Assurers / Members (or PoJAM for short) going to DRAFT.
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Category Archives: News
CAcert at OpenSourceDays-2010 Copenhagen, DK – March 5th + 6th
CAcert will be present at OpenSourceDays-2010 Copenhagen, DK, March 5th and 6th with a booth and a Keysigningparty.
Open Source Days is the largest open source conference in the Nordic area. It’s your opportunity to meet, share, and learn from professional open source experts.
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December 2009 Community Update
- 20091221 Nick Bebout: Resignation as Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO)
- [Poll for AGM day] (Fr,Sa,Su?) Inc Members, please vote! (finished)
- 20091220 Board Meeting
- “process of software review” ends with the motion: m20091220.2, propose 4 people, and to request ABCs
- Support is proceeding to bring in Triage people. 3 ABCs have been completed. Michael Taenzer, Martin Schultze, Wolfgang Kasulke are now complete, so t/l-support will probably propose them for Support Engineer.
- Arbitration: “That, given m20090811.1, and today’s informal information that some arbitrators are non-working, board requests an immediate update of the state and health of the Arbitration system from DRO, with a view to changing the roles and re-invigorating the process.”. Motion m20091220.3 carried
- Update on Finance: No Annual General Meeting schedule yet (Update: Boardmeeting Jan 3th: AGM is at Jan 30th)
- Minutes 20091216 Essen Software MiniTOP
- Software, repository: Repository is up and going. Haven’t got the test system, just the developer system. We expect to have everything together by end of January.
- Birdshack doco
- Root ceremony: In order to re-do this process, we have to do: planning, collection of the people, budget, hardware, and also to come up with a new concept for protection of the root. This latter is important, and the whole thing will need to be serious and documented for presentation to a new auditor.
- Hamburg Assurance mini-TOP 20091215 results with three new Special Assurance programs proposals
- Policy On Junior Assurers / Members (2) (Discussion started 2009-12-20 in Policy Group)
- TTP-assisted Assurance Policy (Discussion not yet started)
- Policy for Nucleus (former Super-Assurance) (Discussion not yet started)
- 20091215 Confirmation received for a booth at the CEBIT 2010. CAcert get this sponsored booth from the Linux New Media (Cebit Open Source) (CEBIT Event Organisation)
- 20091211 Support Team declares reaching a milestone in clearing out the support Inbox. All that’s left is the future!
- 20091205 Confirmation received for a booth at the FOSDEM 2010 6-7 Feb 2010, Brussels Belgium. (FOSDEM Event Organisation)
CAcert at FOSDEM and CEBIT 2010 – Booths confirmed
At Saturday Dec 5th 2009 we received the confirmation for a booth at the FOSDEM 2010 6-7 Feb 2010, Brussels Belgium. (FOSDEM Event Organisation)
and at Tuesday 15th, 2009 we also received the confirmation for a booth at the CEBIT 2010. CAcert get this sponsored booth from the Linux New Media (Cebit Open Source) (CEBIT Event Organisation)
Support Activity and Error Rates
In the last few weeks, our one Support Engineer (Werner, working mostly alone) has processed 65 support requests, 40 in the last week. Each case generates 5 mails. At the moment, the SE works with an absence of system, on a clunky silly mailing list, so there is no workflow assistance available to him. He has to remember each of those cases over the days-cycle time, and relate them to all the other emails.
Errors are inevitable. I’ve so far seen and counted 3 errors or blunders. Which means we’re talking around a 5% error rate. That’s to be expected when building a new system, working with fresh people, with minimal historical help, and working through a flood of a backlog with crappy technical support and poor information. Also known as, drowning.
(Obviously, in time, we want to reduce that to around 1-2%. When I did my 5-10 cases a month back, I generated at least one error. I’m not good enough for Support, I’m up in the 10-20% range.)
You can help us by pointing out the errors, directly, and suggesting what it is you would rather have seen. Positive suggestions are always appreciated.
The Triage team — Wolfgang, Martin, Michael, Joost — have to this point worked through outstanding emails back to July this year. See the attached for a picture of today’s Inbox. *Yes, it’s more or less empty!* They got there last night, and have reached the target I set them, to get back to July.
That means a human has processed every one of approximately one thousand support emails received over the last 5 months. There’s probably dozens of errors in their processing, but that misses the point.
In the next month or so, some or all of the Triage people above will get through their ABCs and become SEs or Support Engineers. At that point Werner will have help. At that point, we’ll be able to improve our systems. And, we’ll need more Triage people!
You can help us by signing up to Triage. Let me know if you fit the profile: Assurer, great with mail / MUA, etc, time to handle lots of little, quick tasks, good with English reading (other languages an advantage), and you grok the community (CCA, DRP and you want to know more about Security Policy but were always afraid to ask…). IRC.
We need people outside the European evening slot…
interim, temporary, impatient Support t/l,
looking for any excuse to get sacked!
ATE-Göteborg, Wed Dec 16th 2009
CAcert Assurer Training Event Göteborg
Much has happened during the past year. A list of up till now mostly “orally transmitted” rules have been cast in policies. New procedures (e.g. the Assurer Challenge) and obligations (e.g. in the CAcert Community Agreement) have been decided. The Assurer Training Events try to bring all this informations to “the people”:
– To what, does the CCA protect every CAcert-Community-Member and as such also you?
– Can you recount the 5 statements of the “Purpose of Assurance”?
– Can you at least recount 10 security marks of the Swedish passport?
Answers to these and following questions are given at the Assurer Training Events (ATE’s).
Participation in the events is free, Contributions are however appreciated.
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2009 November Community Update
- (Non-Critical) Infrastructure Projects are advancing, Board has accepted to go for Vienna (Sonance) and Berne one is in preparation (contract needs to be made), the hardware in Berne is ready. (see Audit Next Steps (Systems), Infrastructure Host)
- New Arbitrators makes their first steps in the Arbitration Team. The backlog of Arbitration cases increases rapidly, after the support blockage seems to be fixed.
- The first new Support Engineer starts working in the Support Team, also new people on the Triage team. As working on the backlog of the support mailbox, about 15 new disputes upto now forwarded to the Arbitrations Team to a total of 53 init (23)/running (30) cases. Some diputes filed originaly Jun 2009, Sep 2009
- The Draft CPS is now on the main site see on the Blog and the CPS on main Site.
- Assurances Program: As of Board motion m20090912.1 and finaly m20090914.2 also the assurances of underaged people (u18) were ceased. A workaround is to follow the PoJAM (WIP) procedure, but a dispute filing is allways possible.
- Policy group decide p20091108 to make IDNs available everyone with some restrictions to minimize homograph risks.
- recruitment of Support Engineers
. relates to the Arbitration – Case Managers – Support discussion
. Support was identified as a bottleneck, now starting try #3 to get people in
. see also Board Meeting Agenda 2009-11-15
. and Board-Next-Meeting Sunday 2009-11-15 – 21:00 UTC – Input
. and Board-Next-Meeting Sunday 2009-11-15 – 21:00 UTC – Input – Reply
. and Board-Next-Meeting Sunday 2009-11-15 – 21:00 UTC – Input – another Reply
. IanG appointed as temporary Support Officer assisted by u60 see e.g. Support Team
CAcert auf dem Brandenburger Linux-Infotag 2009 – 21. November
CAcert ist auf dem diesjährigen Brandenburger Linux-Infotag (BLIT) am 21. November 2009 vertreten.
Dr. Thomas Bremer wird einen Vortrag zum Thema “Freie Zertifikate für Schulen und Hochschulen” halten und ebenfalls Informationen zur Verwendung von Zertifikaten geben. Dem Vortrag könnt ihr im Hörsaal 3 von ca 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr beiwohnen.
Der BLIT findet in Potsdam (Griebnitzsee) im Haus 6 des Instituts für Informatik der Universität Potsdam statt.
Für die Anfahrt mit dem öffentlichen Nahverkehr bietet sich die S-Bahn Linie 7 an, alternativ verkehrt die Regionalbahn mit der Linie RB 21.
Solltet ihr mit dem Auto anreisen, so sucht in eurem Navi – sofern vorhanden, die “Prof. Dr. Helmert Straße” in 14482 Potsdam. Eine Wegbeschreibung sowie weitere Informationen zur Anfahrt findet ihr auf der Seite des Brandenburger Linux-Infotages unter BLIT – Anfahrt.
Weitere Informationen zum BLIT findet ihr unter:
Last chance: End of thawte points transfer on 16th november 2009
Please note, that all thawte points tansfers must be started before 16th november 2009. After this date we can´t check your status at thawte.
If you have 0 points at CAcert, you get can up to 150 pts.
Please click here for details:
Interface for thawte transfer:
If you need help, you can also write to our mailinglists – details: (EN) (DE) (ES) (BR)
Bitte beachtet, dass ein Transfer der Punkte aus dem Thawte WoT nur noch bis zum 16. November 2009 möglich ist. Wir haben danach keine Möglichkeit mehr, eure Daten zu verifizieren und können daher keine Punkte mehr transferieren.
Wenn ihr aktuell 0 Punkte bei CAcert auf dem Konto habt, so könnt ihr dies über den Transfer auf bis zu 150 Punkte aufstocken.
Für Details einfach hier klicken:
Das Interface für den Transfer findet ihr unter:
Wenn ihr Hilfe benötigt, so könnt ihr uns auch über die Mailinglisten kontaktieren: (Englisch) (Deutsch) (Spanisch) ((brasilianisches) Portugiesisch)
Thawte Web of Trust Shutting Down
Thawte’s Web Of Trust is to be Terminated by 16th November
Therefore the board is planning to run the Tverify program until that time, then terminate it completely (as the information will no longer be available).
Then, members who have come in via Tverify will have a year to get assured by other means. This includes members who have obtained points from Tverify in the past.
Tverify is now operating under the authority of board motion m20090928.1 and under the Assurance Policy. This latter means no issues of points over 50, and the earlier includes some restrictions.
However, note that all Tverify points (including ones previously obtained), will be deleted late 2010, so it is best to get assured by CAcert assurers anyway. If you can reach a few of them it may be easier all round if you do that instead of using the Tverify process.
See for more details. (Disclaimer: that wiki page is not an official statement of the committee)
For the committee of management (board) of CAcert Incorporated,
Nicholas E. Bebout
CAcert Incorporated