Category Archives: Progress

Community 2010 February Update

  • 20100221 Markus Warg appointed to Software Assessment.
    * He is now the 2nd team member in a new team that will be formed under the “Repository Project” by Andreas Bäß
    * Also involved in this project is the Critical sysadmins team for building up the Servers and software for becoming testing and staging servers.
    * Also to train the system recovery from scratch
    * Also to prepare a proposed system upgrade
    * These are the first results from the Software MiniTOP Essen Dec 16th 2009
  • 20100221 UlrichSchroeter appointed as Assurance Officer
    * Board accepts Sebastian’s resignation as Assurance team leader, and thank him for steering the ship over the last year. Sebastian remains on the Assurance team! Board appoints Ulrich as team leader, formally Assurance Officer within the meaning of the Assurance Policy.
  • 20100221 Michael Tänzer appointed as Support Officer
    * Board appointed Michael as support team leader and accepts Ian Grigg’s resignation as support team leader.
    * (Formally, as Support Officer within Security Policy.)
  • 20100213 Software MiniTOP Offenbach Feb 13th 2010
    * Current State of ”Repository Project”
  • 20100206 Assurance MiniTOP Brussels Feb 6th 2010 – on the Agenda were several topics
    * Assurance – Tasks for coming weeks.

    • Plan for Events.
    • Submit review to board.
    • new AO and EO to board.
    • prepare CeBIT.
    • finish Co-auditing Programme for 2010, in time for CeBIT.

    * CeBIT
    * Roles
    * Support
    * ABC interviews
    * Recruitment
    * Co-Audit
    * Defining the Co-Auditor
    * co-Audit Team
    * co-Audit preparation

  • 20100201 p20100119 PoJAM to DRAFT resolved.
    * Now the Subpolicy is binding to Assurers for assuring minors and als minors to be Assurers.
    * This is the first policy in a series of subpolicys under AP, that cames back after all special assurance programs becomes frozen.

Further Community Update News you will find in the Wiki Community Update

CAcert AGM, New Board and Annual Report

On 2010-01-30 CAcert held its Annual General Meeting. Minutes will be published soon on the wiki.

A new board was elected and positions were assigned during 2010-02-02 board meeting. We are happy to announce the new CAcert board formed by

  • Lambert Hofstra (President)
  • Daniel Black (Vice President)
  • Ernestine Schwob (Treasurer)
  • Mark Lipscombe (Secretary and continuing as Public Officer)
  • Nick Bebout (Member)
  • Mario Lipinski (Member)
  • Ian Grigg (Member)

During the AGM CAcert’s annual report (PDF) was presented and accepted by the membership. It shows many things happened at CAcert during the last year and is worth reading to get an impression of CAcert’s progress during the last time.

A big thank you to all people volunteering and helping to achieve this successful result. CAcert is dependent on many volunteers and is looking forward for your help to achieve such a good result for the coming year.

Support Activity and Error Rates

In the last few weeks, our one Support Engineer (Werner, working mostly alone) has processed 65 support requests, 40 in the last week. Each case generates 5 mails. At the moment, the SE works with an absence of system, on a clunky silly mailing list, so there is no workflow assistance available to him. He has to remember each of those cases over the days-cycle time, and relate them to all the other emails.

Errors are inevitable. I’ve so far seen and counted 3 errors or blunders. Which means we’re talking around a 5% error rate. That’s to be expected when building a new system, working with fresh people, with minimal historical help, and working through a flood of a backlog with crappy technical support and poor information. Also known as, drowning.

(Obviously, in time, we want to reduce that to around 1-2%. When I did my 5-10 cases a month back, I generated at least one error. I’m not good enough for Support, I’m up in the 10-20% range.)

You can help us by pointing out the errors, directly, and suggesting what it is you would rather have seen. Positive suggestions are always appreciated.

an almost empty Triage mailboxThe Triage team — Wolfgang, Martin, Michael, Joost — have to this point worked through outstanding emails back to July this year. See the attached for a picture of today’s Inbox. *Yes, it’s more or less empty!* They got there last night, and have reached the target I set them, to get back to July.

That means a human has processed every one of approximately one thousand support emails received over the last 5 months. There’s probably dozens of errors in their processing, but that misses the point.

In the next month or so, some or all of the Triage people above will get through their ABCs and become SEs or Support Engineers. At that point Werner will have help. At that point, we’ll be able to improve our systems. And, we’ll need more Triage people!

You can help us by signing up to Triage. Let me know if you fit the profile: Assurer, great with mail / MUA, etc, time to handle lots of little, quick tasks, good with English reading (other languages an advantage), and you grok the community (CCA, DRP and you want to know more about Security Policy but were always afraid to ask…). IRC.

We need people outside the European evening slot…

interim, temporary, impatient Support t/l,
looking for any excuse to get sacked!