Tag Archives: CAcert Inc

Please, help us to pay our expenses

CAcert offers free certificates. Nevertheless, the CA does not function completely without money. For example, the electricity bills of the data centre in the Netherlands must be paid. The annual expenses of CAcert are about 3000 dollars/Euro. In view of the more than 300,000 users, that’s not much. How does CAcert pay these bills?

First of all, the membership fees of the members of CAcert Inc. (association) cover about 1/6 of the expenses. The remaining 2,500 require donations. In the first quarter of 2018, 11 people from 6 countries from Australia through Tatarstan to the United Kingdom made a donation.The chart on the left shows the distribution of donors by country (USA, UK, France, Germany, Australia, Tatarstan). To the right of the amount donated: one quarter each comes from the USA and Australia. We thank all donors very much for their generosity. In order to pay all bills by the end of the year, twice as many people would have to donate an amount.

Bank transfer in Euro:
secure-u e.V. / Bank: Hamburger Volksbank e.G. / IBAN: DE50 2019 0003 0008 5478 07 /           BIC: GENODEF1HH2 (“for CAcert”) (secure-u-association is our local partner in Germany)
Bank Transfer in Australia:
Westpac Bank for AU$: Account Name: CAcert Inc / SWIFT: WPACAU2S / Account No.: 180264
https://www.paypal.com/   (currently not working due to Paypal Issue)
Paypal donation via secure-u e.V.

French translation   |   German Translation

Faites comme d’autres francophones: soutenez CAcert avec un don

CAcert offre des certificats gratuits. Néanmoins, l’AC ne fonctionne pas complètement sans argent. Par exemple, les factures d’électricité du centre de données aux Pays-Bas doivent être payées. Les dépenses annuelles de CAcert s’élèvent à environ 3000 dollars/Euro. Compte tenu des plus de 300 000 utilisateurs, ce n’est pas grand-chose. Comment CAcert paie-t-il ces factures ?

Tout d’abord, les frais d’adhésion des membres de l’association CAcert Inc. couvrent environ 1/6 des dépenses. Les 2 500 autres nécessitent des dons. Au cours du premier trimestre 2018, 11 personnes de 6 pays, de l’Australie au Royaume-Uni en passant par le Tatarstan, ont fait un don.

Le graphique de gauche montre la répartition des donateurs par pays (États Unis, Royaume Unis, France, Allemagne, Australie, Tatarstan). A droite du montant du don: un quart provient des États-Unis et un quart de l’Australie. Nous remercions tous les donateurs pour leur don. Pour payer toutes les factures d’ici la fin de l’année, deux fois plus de personnes devraient faire un don.

Virement bancaire en Euro:
secure-u e.V. Banque: Hamburger Volksbank e.G. / IBAN: DE50 2019 0003 0008 5478 07 BIC: GENODEF1HH2 (“pour CAcert”) (l’association secure-u est notre partenaire local en Union Européenne)
Virement bancaire en Australie en AU$:
Compte bancaire Westpac pour AU$: Nom du compte : CAcert Inc. / SWIFT : WPACAU2S /      N° de compte : 180264
https://www.paypal.com/   ( currently not working due to Paypal Issue)
Paypal donation via secure-u e.V.

Gemeinschaft trägt CAcert – auch finanziell

CAcert bietet freie Zertifikate an. Trotzdem funktioniert die CA nicht ganz ohne Geld. So müssen etwa die Stromrechnungen des Rechenzentrums in den Niederlanden beglichen werden. Die jährlichen Ausgaben von CAcert belaufen sich auf rund 3000 Dollar/Euro. Im Anbetracht der über 300 000 Benutzer ist das nicht viel. Wie bezahlt CAcert diese Rechnungen?

Zuerst einmal aus den Mitgliederbeiträgen der Mitglieder von CAcert Inc. (Verein). Die decken etwa 1/6 der Ausgaben. Für die übrigen 2500 sind Spenden nötig. Im ersten Vierteljahr von 2018 haben 11 Leute aus 6 Ländern von Australien über Tatarstan bis zum Vereingten Königreich eine Spende getätigt.Die linke Grafik zeigt die Verteilung der Spender nach Ländern (USA, UK, Frankreich, Deutschland, Australien, Tatarstan). Rechts nach der gespendeten Summe: je ein Viertel stammen aus den USA und aus Australien. Wir danken allen Spendern ganz herzlich für ihre Gabe. Um bis Ende Jahr alle Rechnungen bezahlen zu können, müssten jedoch doppelt so viele Leute einen Betrag spenden.

Banküberweisung in Euro:
secure-u e.V. Bank: Hamburger Volksbank e.G. / IBAN: DE50 2019 0003 0008 5478 07            BIC: GENODEF1HH2 (“für CAcert”) (secure-u ist unser lokaler Partner in Deutschland)
Banküberweisung in Australien:
Westpac Bank for AU$: Account Name: CAcert Inc / SWIFT: WPACAU2S / Account No.: 180264
https://www.paypal.com/   (aktuell durch Paypal-Probleme nicht möglich)
Paypal-Spende via secure-u e.V.

New committee constituted

CAcert Inc.’s Annual General Meeting was held shortly before Christmas. Most of the members of the committee have made themselves available for another year. Two members, who also perform other tasks within the CAcert-community, will focus on this in the future.

On January 12th (January 13th, local time in New South Wales) the committee was constituted. However, he has already started work before. As mentioned at the Annual General Meeting, two points are at the top of the pendency list this year: Balanced finances and progress in moving to Europe.

Neuer Vorstand konstituiert

Kurz vor Weihnachten hat die Generalversammlung von CAcert Inc. stattgefunden. Die meisten Mitglieder des Vorstandes haben sich für ein weiteres Jahr zur Verfügung gestellt. Zwei Mitglieder, die auch noch andere Aufgaben innerhalb der CAcert-Gemeinschaft wahrnehmen, konzentrieren sich in Zukunft auf diese.

Am 12. Januar 2018 (13. Januar Ortszeit in Neusüdwales) hat sich der Vorstand konstituiert. Die Arbeit hat er jedoch bereits vorher aufgenommen. Wie bereits an der Generalversammlung gesagt, stehen dieses Jahr zwei Punkte ganz oben auf der Pendenzenliste: Ausgeglichene Finanzen und Fortschritte im Umzug nach Europa.

Nouvelle composition du comité

L’assemblée générale annuelle de CAcert Inc. a eu lieu peu avant Noël. La plupart des membres du comité se sont rendus disponibles pour une nouvelle année. Deux membres, qui s’acquittent également d’autres tâches au sein de la communauté CAcert, se concentreront sur ces questions à l’avenir.

Le 12 janvier 2018 (le 13 janvier, heure locale en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud), le comité a été constitué. Cependant, il a déjà commencé à travailler auparavant. Comme cela a déjà été mentionné lors de l’assemblée générale, deux points sont en tête de liste cette année: Des finances équilibrées et des progrès dans la migration vers l’Europe.

CAcert Inc. has a new Public Officer

Hand over in front of the government house in Sydney, New South Wales.

Since 2011, Kevin Dawson held as public officer liaison to the New South Wales government offices. At his own request he would like to step a little shorter. The committee of CAcert Inc. regrets this decision and thanks Kevin for his tireless efforts in the background and wishes him all the best for the future.

These days, the office was handed over to Alexander Samad, who has been a member of the committee since March 2017. Alexander fulfills all legal obligations for this office.

Deutsch: CAcert Inc. hat neuen Public Officer

Rund sechs Jahre war Kevin Dawson als Public Officer der Verbindungsmann von CAcert Inc. zu den Neusüdwalisischen Regierungsstellen. Auf seinen eigenen Wunsch möcht er nun etwas kürzer treten. Der Vorstand von CAcert Inc. bedauert den Entscheid und dankt Kevin für seinen unermüdlichen Einsatz im Hintergrund und wünscht ihm für die weitere Zukunft alles Gute.

Dieser Tage erfolgte die Amtsübergabe an Alexander Samad, der seit dem 31. März 2017 dem Vorstand angehört. Alexander erfüllt alle gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Pflichten für dieses Amt.

Français: Un nouveau Officer Public pour CAcert Inc.

Depuis 2011, Kevin Dawson était l’officier public pour la liaison avec les organismes gouvernementaux de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. À sa propre demande, il avait maintenant pris sa retraite. Le comité de CAcert Inc. regrette cela et aimerait remercier Kevin pour ses efforts inlassables en arrière-plan et lui souhaite le meilleur pour l’avenir.

Cette journée a été la remise officielle à Alexandre Samad, qui appartient au comité depuis le mars 2017. Alexandre répond à toutes les exigences légales pour ce poste.

CAcert’s Committee complete again

At the annual general meeting held in december 2016, the three seats reserved for Australians, were provisionally suspended. In the meantime, the committee of CAcert Inc. has filled its vacancies at its meeting on March, 31st 2017. Elected were Alexander Samad from New South Wales, Peter Nunn from Victoria and Ross Krumbholz from Queensland.

Deutsch: Der Vorstand von CAcert Inc. ist wieder vollständig.

Bei den Erneuerungswahlen im Dezember 2016 blieben die drei nach gesetzlichen Vorgaben für Australier reservierten Sitze im Vorstand provisorisch frei. In der Zwischenzeit hat der Vorstand von CAcert Inc. an seiner Sitzung vom 31. März 2017 die Vakanzen gefüllt. Gewählt wurden Alexander Samad aus Neusüdwales, Peter Nunn aus Victoria und Ross Krumbholz aus Queensland.

Français: Le comité est de nouveau complet

Lors des élections de renouvellement en décembre 2016, les trois sièges du comité réservés à des Australiens conformément aux dispositions légales sont restés provisoirement indemnes. Entre temps, le comité de CAcert Inc. a élu lors de sa réunion du 31 mars 2017 Alexandre Samad de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Pierre Nunn de Victoria et Ross Krumbholz de Queensland.

Two members of CAcert Inc. honored for loyal services

In a few hours, the year 2016 will be over. So, the secretary of the new elected committee of CAcert Inc., the infrastructure partner of the CAcert comunity, had just enough time, to show his gratitude to two members of the association who were active in the association for exactly five years. That is the reasons, why he handed over them a (virtual) golden watch as sign of thank you.

Kevin Dawson from New South Wales, the home of CAcert, became Public Officer in 2011 and remained in this function until 2016. As public officer, he dealed with the New South Welsh government and was contact person for the Office of Fair Trade and CAcert’s bank. Furthermore, Kevin Dawson, had a seat in the committee from 2011 to 2013 and in the transition committee in summer 2016. We sincerely thank Kevin for his excellent work, which he has done silently at the other end of the world, but always exactly and well, and regret that he is now concentrating on new things.

The second gold watch for five year loyal services to CAcert Inc. was handed over to Dirk Astrath from Germany, the country with the most community-members. He startet – at the same time as Kevin as Public Officer – as assessor in the committee. Later he hold the functions of secretary, vice president and president with exception of winter 2015/2016. If everything goes well with the “move” of CAcert Inc. Dirk will have been the last president of the Australian association.

Get Audit ready

The new elected CAcert Inc board want to share their mission statement for the current fiscal year.

We want to help CAcert to become the world’s most trusted service provider able to help people around the world

  • to secure their privacy
  • to secure their identity

in the area of digital electronic communications. We all want to lead an operating Certificate Authority providing highly secure certificates for free to the public in which everybody can trust. The next central milestone for the development of our CA is to pass an audit with flying colors.

We will subordinate all of our activities to reach this goal within the next years.

The first serious challenge to take will be the resign of our root certificate within the next 3 months (hopefully on the eve of FOSDEM 2016).

We want to continue with the tasks to prepare the New Root Escrow within the next year.
To secure the existence of CAcert for a long time we want to prepare the move to a hosting country in Europe within the next year.

Today we ask you to have confidence in our plans and personal integrity and hope that all of you will support us in fulfilling these tasks.

Please allow to remember to McDonald’s main maxim:

„All of us is more than one of us“

The new board is composed of
Reinhard Mutz, President CAcert Inc.
Jürgen Bruckner, Vice President CAcert Inc.
Marcus Mängel, Secretary
Stefan Thode, Treasurer
Felix Dörre, Board member
Peter Yuill, Board member

New Board of Directors constituted

After the election of the new board on 2011-11-27 on the Annual General Meeting the new board has now constituted itself. Due to the fact that not enough australian board members were elected a Sub Committee was set up according to CAcert Inc. rules.

The current CAcert Inc. Committee – the Board of Directors – consists of

  • Piers Lauder, AU, President
  • Dirk Astrath, DE, Vice President
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US, Treasurer
  • Tomáš Trnka, CZ, Secretary
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL, member
  • Ian Grigg, AU, member
  • Kevin Dawson, AU, member

The CAcert Inc. Sub Committee consists of all the members of the CAcert Inc. Committee including the elected members

  • Michael Tänzer, DE, member
  • Werner Dworak, DE, member

Both are supporting the Board of Directors, participate in decisions and carry motions.

Kevin Dawson was appointed as Public Officer. He is the Association representative at the Australian Office of Fair Trading and is the co-acting Treasurer on behalf of CAcert Inc. President.

CAcert AGM and New Board, Rules changes accepted

On 2011-11-27 CAcert held its Annual General Meeting. Minutes will be published soon on the wiki.

A new board was elected. We are happy to announce the new CAcert board

  • Piers Lauder, AU
  • Dirk Astrath, DE
  • Jeffrey Frederick, US
  • Michael Tänzer, DE
  • Raoul Xavier Boerlage, NL
  • Werner Dworak, DE
  • Tomas Trnka, CZ

During the AGM CAcert’s annual report and the financial report was presented and accepted by the membership. It shows many things happened at CAcert during the last year and is worth reading to get an impression of CAcert’s progress during the last time.

During the AGM, 3 special resolutions were presented, first to bring CAcert Inc rules in compliance with Association Act 2009 and 2 more rules changes, that fixed a minor bug. The rule changes have been accepted in a strong concensus.

A big thank you to all people volunteering and helping to achieve this successful result. CAcert is dependent on many volunteers and is looking forward for your help to achieve such a good result for the coming year.